The effects of Climate change:
The consequences of Climate change now include, among others, intence droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels , flooding, melting polar ice ,catastrophic storms and declining bio diversity.
The cause effect of Climate change:
Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and destroying rain forests have an increasing influence on the climate and the Earth's temperature. The adds huge quantities of green house gases to those naturally present in the atmosphere , incresing the green house effect and global warming.
Droughts in many region:
The frequency and extent of the devastation and distruction caused by the weather is getting stronger and more frequent. According to a report by the inter governmental pannel on climate change (IPCC, 2021), Climate change is intensifying the water cycle , leading to intensifying drought in many regions.
The three main effects of climate change:
Earth well continur to warm and the effects will be pro found.
The potencial future effects of global climate change include more frequent wild fires, longer periods of drought in some regions, and an increse in the duration and intensity of tropical stroms.
The main threats of climate change:
The main threats of climate change , stemming from the rising temperature of earth atmosphere include rising sea levels, eco system collapes and more frequent and severe weather. rising temperatures from human caused green house gas emissions affects planet - wide systems in various ways.
Global tree planting:
The nature conservances plant a billion trees combined is major forest restoration program. Our goal is to plant a billion trees across the planet to slow the connected crises of climate change and bio diversity loss. A lot can change in a life time including the palnet we live on.
Planting trees helps to avoid global warming:
To plant a tree the right way you will want to dig a big enough hole to plant it in. Measure the length of the roots and make the hole at least that deep. Make the hole 2 - 3 times as wide as the roots on the tree. Put the tree in the hole and use a level to make sure its straight.