In our world Human have a very intelligent brain all the animals human's are very intelligent because of they use their brain....... but now a days Humans destroy our planet and our green Energy........ example - cut the trees , global warming, waste water , air pollution, water pollution, all types of pollution....................i am a teacher and i believe that i am a Changemaker because of i have power of my student .......... in the school days i tell then all the good point of our life and our planet so they know what is right and wrong ........ they know their duty, responsibility to protect our planet
Teaching About the Natural World
The lessons that nature has to teach us are never ending. Being immersed in the natural flow of plant and animal life cycles, weather patterns, seasons, and the intricate dance connecting everything helps us find our own balance in the flow of life.
It’s not surprising that children who play outside are healthier mentally, emotionally, and physically. Human beings have spent nearly the entirety of our existence outside. Our connection to the natural world is so profound that when we are deprived of it, it’s no surprise that we don’t fare well. More and more adults are recognizing the importance of outdoor play for children, and the value of unstructured nature-based explorations. In addition to this shift to include nature-based activity or “green exercise,” teachers and parents, environmentalists, and policy-makers have begun to realize that outdoor play and nature-based learning leads children toward a sense of environmental stewardship.
Simply put, connecting with nature means appreciating nature and wanting to take care of it.
Getting children back to nature is easy, fun, and beneficial in every way. And it seems
the simpler the outdoor play, the better. Letting children loose with nothing more than a stick and a pile of dirt is about the nicest thing we can do for them.
Your Teaching Community
I am a primary teacher. My school is in very rural areas. In my areas many people do farming . So it's green zone. But now a days the climatic change because of global warming so the people can't get enough money. So they move to the city life and in the city life we know our lifestyle ..... We get so many things from nature but we can't get back to the nature nature gives us oxygen and we gives us to nature carbon dioxide but we cut the trees so that the water level is low and we can't do it anything so my aim is student know the reason behind the climate change students know what is the main reason too less water and this is the age that they know what is wrong and what is right so when they and when they will grow up that time the tendency is change ....