#Anzoátegui Emanaciones del Criogénico de Jose reduce la producción de rubros sustento de San Antonio de Píritu, Pozo Hondo y Capachal
#Anzoátegui Menos árboles. Elevación de la temperatura. Irregularidad en la floración de varias especies de plantas: algarrobo, apamate, guásimo, merecure, maíz, entre otros
* El estilo de vida que no es saludable con el planeta. La segunda es que creemos que no van haber cambios en el planeta. Y la tercera es que creemos que nuestros recursos son infinitos.
*Educate yourself on what gets put into your electronics
*good consumer
*Look for an environmentally friendly label
*Reuse as often as possible
*Understand security issues
, increased temperatures
- animals: determined animal habitats can be destroyed or endangered; the water or food resources can be at risk too; with the CO2, animals will not be able to compete with each other, which means, the predator-prey interaction.
-Aumento del nivel del mar
-fires -floods -drought -landslides -global warming -species extinction -disease
1 - Flora - Forest fires; the propagation of invasive species; 2 - Fauna - Disease outbreaks; death; extinction; 3 - Weather patterns - The increase in heat waves and cold spells; 4 - Activity and human lifestyle - higher energy consumption.
1. More droughts and heat waves 2. Hurricanes will get stronger and more intense 3. The Arctic will be probably ice-free 4. Changes in precipitation patterns 5. Hydrological problems 6. Green areas
1. More droughts and heat waves 2. Hurricanes will get stronger and more intense 3. The Arctic will be probably ice-free 4. Changes in precipitation patterns 5. Hydrological problems 6. The scarcity of green areas
1. Los casquetes polares se están fundiendo ocasionando que el nivel del mar suba y que los animales que viven en esos casquetes mueran.
1. Native flora are decreasing in number, changing blooming pattern.
1. the global temperatures are likely to increase
1.- Shorter rains but more poweful
1.Affecting humans health 2.The weather patterns characterized by the increase of temperature, droughts, short winter without snow 3.
2. The decrease in frequency and amount of snowing.
2. Fauna are at the verge of extinction due to loss of habitat
2. Many species will be endangerd
2.- Increased population of mosquitoes
3. More chances of natural disasters.
3. Weather has become more hostile and average temperature increased
3.- HIgher temperatures unlike other time of the year
30 percent of air pollution is caused due to dust which emanates from construction sites.
5.- Habitats fragmentation
811 million people go to bed hungry every day. The main causes of hunger are conflict, climate change & economic marginalization.
a faster growth of some tree species
abnormal behaviour
abnormalities regarding plant growth
access to water
Acid Rain
acid rain and soil acidification
Acid Rain Global temperature is rising. Health risk. Melting polar icebergs and glacier. Arctic sea ice loss.
acidic rain
Acidificaciòn y contaminación de las aguas por presencia de CO2
Acidificación y contaminación del agua
Acidification of rains
advantages of using renewable energy sources - sun, wind and water
Adverse effects to health
Adverse weather conditions being experienced during the year
Afectación de los ecosistemas debido al cambio en la temperatura, la acidez del agua, la generación de lluvia ácida, y al cambio de la temperatura promedio en muchas zonas de la tierra
Affecting animal migration
affecting humans whealth
affecting the health conditions of animals and plants
affecting, in time, the economy
affects human health - skin cancer due to exposure to extreme climate
Affects the habitat
Agotamiento de las fuentes hidricas
Agotamiento de recursos naturales
agricultural practises
Agriculture and crop production is reduced
Agriculture expansion
Agriculture in India severely impacted
agriculture production
agua no potable
Air contamination
air has become polluted
air pollution
Air pollution and increase in allergens = dirty air = respiratory problems.
air polution
air quality decreases
alimentos contaminados por fertilizantes
All kinds of pollution
alteration in the lifecycle of plants
alterations in the cycle of seasons
alunecari de teren
amazon is being cut down
amenințarea cu dispariția a nufărului termal, Impact on agriculture and the economy
Amplificarea modificărilor aduse oceanelor, precum încălzirea, creșterea frecvenței valurilor de căldură marină, acidifiereași reducerea nivelurilor de oxigen;
an increase in heavy precipitation (heavy rain and hail)
an increase in heavy precipitation (heavy rain and hail) an increase in hunger and water crises, especially in developing countries animal deaths
an increase in hunger and water crises, especially in developing countries
animal deaths
Animal species are becoming extinct
Animalele coboară în sate în căutarea hranei
Animals and plants in danger of exctinction
animals are endangered
animals are losing their homes
Animals being slaughtered due to lack of feed and drought
Animals can die because they cannot survive in the heat
animals die
animals in danger
Animals loosing their homes
Animals lose natural habitat
animals migration
Animals will have to adapt to the new climatic conditions
Animals will lose their homes and cannot eat.
Animals will move to another places.
Animals will move to another places.
Animals' habitat destruction
Animals: Animals are dying and losing their habitats.
animals: determined animal habitats can be destroyed or endangered; the water or food resources can be at risk too; with the CO2, animals will not be able to compete with each other, which means, the predator-prey interaction.
aparecen virus y enfermedades
Aparición de enfermedades
Aparición de Enfermedades y epidemias, con riesgo para la salud
appearance of new diseases
are the effects
aridity and salinization of the solid
As greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun's heat. This leads to global warming and climate change.
As the climate continues to change, millions of poor people face greater challenges in terms of extreme events, health effects, food security, livelihood security, migration, water security
As the temperature increases, fires also increase.
atmospheric pollution
Atypical aphids on corn appeared in the fields - they are many times bigger than usual, and in general aphids never attacked corn.
Aumenta erosión y desertificación
aumento % cáncer a la piel
aumento da temperatura
aumento da temperatura
aumento de alimentos transgenicos
Aumento de doenças nos seres humanos
aumento de la pobreza
Aumento del nivel del mar-Fenòmeno del niño
Aumento en el nivel del mar debido al deshielo en los glaciares tanto continentales como oceánicos
Aumento en la acidez del mar debido a la alta generación de CO2 y CO, el cual se mezcla con el agua y genera ácido carbónico
Aumento en la humedad el ambiente: aumento de huracanes y desastres naturales
Aumento en las temperaturas
Aumento heladas, lluvias intensas en cortos períodos de tiempo
Aumento nivel del mar
bad air quality
Bajo rendimiento de cultivos
beach habitats
Become ecofrindly
biodiversidad: hay mas insectos dañinos
biodiversity disaster
biodiversity loss
biological changes in the body
Birds have stopped migration
birds moving north
Blue tide in beaches, Lumpy skin diseases in animals, diseased plants, increase in number of patients, extinct sparrows
boli datorate poluarii
Breathing issue
Burning of coal
Burning of fossil fuels
burning of husk near Delhi NCR
bush fires
caldură excesivă
cambio de habitat de los animales
Cambio de los ciclos de siembra
Cambios drásticos en la temperatura
can cause an increase in morbidity and mortality.
cancer related diseases
Carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles
change in biodiversity
change in composition of fruits and vegetables making them less nutritious.
change in distribution of biomes
change in feeding and breeding patterns of animals
change in global ecosystem & increased heat waves
change in lifestyle
change in migratory patterns
change in precipitation patterns
Change in rainfall pattern leading to droughts/floods
change in taste and nutrition level of food items
change in temperatures
change in weather
Change in weather pattern
change lifecycle
Change of habitats
Change of habitats (plants)
Change of life cycle
Change of life cycle;
Changes in Ecosystem
Changes in flower and plant blooming times.
Changes in Plants life cycle
Changes in the water cycle
changes in weather pattern
Changing of the seasons
changing the precipitation regime Risks to human health Risks to wild flora and fauna
changing weather patterns
chnges in precipitation pattems
cities disappearing because of increasing see levels
city Skopje
Clima inestable
climate becoming highly unpredictable
climate cange and fauna
Climate change
Climate change all over the world negatively affects the environment, people, plants and animals. It damages land and sea ecosystems. Environmental pollution is increasing. Biodiversity is decreasing and forest fires are increasing.
climate change and flora
climate change and human activity
climate change and weather patterns
Climate change could lead to less rain and in turn less food production
Climate change destabilises the Earth’s temperature equilibrium and has far-reaching effects on human beings and the environment.
Climate change disturbs the entire ecosystem leading to change in the entire life cycle which impacts floura, fauna and human life as well
Climate change driving butterflies, moths higher up Himalayas.
Climate change effect biodiversity
Climate change effect human health, behaviour and mental health including stress , anxiety post traumatic disorders etc
Climate change will destroy the habitat of many animals, which can lead them to extinction.
Climate Chnage leads to a loss of biodiversity due to the natural habitats of organisms getting affected through abnormal temperatures.
Climate Refugees are increasing day by day and the poor and the most vulnerable are the most affected even though they contribute least to climate change
climate refugers
clmă variată
CO2 level increase
coastal erosion
coastal floods
cold summer
Com o aumento do nível das águas do mar desaparecerão muitas zonas costeiras
compra de ropa de temporada
conflictos bélicos por el agua y recursos natura
Conflicts between human and enviornment
Contaminated water as a result of open defecation causes many digestive malfunctions and disorders.
content of moisture in soil
continuous construction
Convential cropping seasons get diturbed and disrupted, leading to a loss of crop yield and subsequent food shortages.
Coral bleaching
Coral bleaching in Andaman islands
Coral bleaching is creating lower levels of fish stock for Seychelles fishing industry – particularly in tuna fish stock
Coral in the Great Barrier Reef is dying
Coral reefs are dying
Corruption in companies
Costs for society and the economy
Creșterea nivelului mării care duce la la inundații costiere mai frecvente și mai grave în zonele joase și la eroziunea costieră;
Creșterea nivelului mărilor și al oceanelor
Creşterea temperaturilor medii anuale
crop change
crop failures due to drastic climate change
crops suffer from droughts
Cutting down forests
cutting of trees,
Damage soil
damage to the oceans
Damage to your home. Floods, the most common and deadly natural disasters
Dead animals
Dead trees
death of marine life
debris flow
Decline in fishing industry
decline in the deer population fitness
decline of agriculture crops
declining agricultural produce
Declining plant growth
Decrease in oxygen level
Decrease quality of life
Decrease quality of life
Deforestación: la pérdida de hábitat de especies del planeta, genera más contaminación y un aumento excesivo de dióxido de carbono
deforestation in Austria
Degelo dos glaciares
Degelo dos glaciares
Degradation in health and spike in different illnesses which are imapcting all living beings
Delay of autumn foliage (Japan)
Delayed winters
Demaged Corals
depletion of coastal areas
depletion of ozone layer
Derrames petroleros. Disminución de recursos pesqueros
Derretimientos de las masas de hielo
Derretimientos de las masas de hielo
Des événements climatiques extrêmes: sécheresse; pluies violentes; ouragans
Desaparición de glaciares
Deșertificarea Pământului
Deserts expand.
Deshielo de glaciares
destroyed habitats
destroying animals natural life and plants'natural life
Destrucción del relieve: pérdida de paisajes, pérdida de hábitats para especies, cambios en las temperaturas de las regiones
destruction of animal habitats
destruction of biodiversity
Destruction of crops and food production
Destruction of fauna and flora.
destruction of habitats
destruction of natural habitats
Destruction of plantations due to climate changes
destruction of the ozone layer
destruição da zona costeira
destruição de habitat
destruição do habitat dos seres vivos
destruição do habitat dos seres vivos
deteriorated water quality
diappearing of bees, butterflies and other insects
Dificultad de acceso al agua potable
Diminuição das reservas de água potável
Disappearance and decrease of animal species
disappearance of animal and plant species
disappearance of coastal areas
Disappearance of local lakes
disappearance of some animals
disappering local plants and flowers
diseases due to air pollution
Diseases like cancer/asthma in humans
Disminución de espacios verdes en zonas urbanas. Contaminación de aguas y aire por concentración de grandes industrias y el humo de incendios provocados en vertederos de basura
dispariția speciilor de plante și animale
disparitia unor plante sau animale
Dispariția unor specii de plante și animale.
Displaced lives
displacement of entire populations, declining agricultural productivity, extinction of plant and animal species, prolonged droughts and the scarcity of various resources such as water and food.
disruption to food supply and distributiuon
dissapearing islands
distributia inegală a precipitațiilor
Distribution of uncharacteristic infectious diseases
Distrugerea habitatelor animalelor
Disturbance in the natural cycle.
disturbed migration patterns
Disturbs the food chain.
dramatic changes of weather
drastic changes in weather condition
Drastic changes in weather conditions like heavy rainfall,
Drought and desertification of areas, More frequent flooding and elevated sea and ocean levels, Melting of glaciers, Acid rains
drought and famine
Droughts and Heat Waves will increase
droughts and low agricultural outputs
droughts, floods, animals migration,
dry weather
drying of lakes
drying of rivers
drying out of peat
drying out of wells
Due to shortage of fossil fuels, humans are chopping down trees to make fires which also contributes to less trees
dumping trash in landfill
Dünyada canlı varlığının sonu
duration of summer season increases
Dust bowl
dust storms
dying out of animals
Dying Skills
Early flowering of cherry blossoms (Japan)
Earth´s glaciers are melting and we have no ice for the polar bears
Ecological balance disturbed
economic consequences
economic construction
economic implications of dealing with secondary damage related to climate change
Economy Science centres get affected
Ecosystems destroyed
ecosystems disrupted
Efectele schimbărilor climatice
Effects of climate change are effecting the extinct species, environmental ecological balance
Effects on Agriculture, forest, freshwater etc
Effects on biodiversity
Electricity factories
eliminación de ecosistemas naturales
endangered or extinct species
endangered species
Energía: emite gases nocivos, por ejemplo gases de efecto invernadero
energy crisis
energy problems
enfermedades respiratorias
Enhanced extreme weather
Environmental Degradation
environmental pollution
environmental refugees
erosão dos solos devido aos incêndios
erosão dos solos devido aos incêndios
erosion in rivers has destroyed many houses
erosion risk of the beaches
erosion risk of the beaches
Erratic migration of birds and animals
Especies en extinciòn
Eutrofizarea apelor;
extinção de espécies
Extinción de especies
extincion de los animales
extinct animals
extinction of animal species
extinction of animals
extinction of house sparrows
extinction of numerous animal species
extinction of plant and animal species
extinction of plants and animals
extinction of some animal and plant species
extinction of some animal species
extinction of species
Extinction of species in certain areas
Extinction of terrestrial and marine animals.
Extinction of wildlife
extreem weer
extreme climatic conditions
Extreme Heatwaves
Extreme Heatwaves
Extreme meteorological phenomena,
Extreme meteorological phenomena, change in precipitation itation regime.
extreme weather
Extreme weather changes i.e. tropical depressions are increasing further impacting Seychelles by increasing flooding levels/coastal infrastructure and erosion.
Extreme weather conditions
Extreme weather conditions = destroying agriculture.
Extreme weather conditions are frequent.
Extreme weather conditions are frequent.
Extreme weather conditions like cold waves and heatwaves
Extreme weather events leading to deaths
Extreme weather events leading to deaths
Extreme weather events where that type of weather would not normally happen
Extreme weather patterns affecting human life
extreme weather phenomena(heavy rains, storms)
Extreme weather, shifting rainfall
Extreme winter months and extended hot months
Extreme winter months and extended hot months
Extreme winter months and extended hot months
extremely high or extremely low temperatures
factories emissions
failure of harvest and disruption in the food supply because of the drought
Fall in India's GDP due to climate change
Family discard
Family discard
faster spread of diseases
Fauna- Shifting life cycles birds lay their eggs earlier than usual,Warmer oceans lead to death of sea animals and corals, conversion of wetlands have changed migratory pattern of birds, increase in red-list species
fenimene meteo extreme
fenomene extreme
fewer birds in the city
fewer hummingbirds
fewer trees
flood in big cities
flood like situations.Heavy rains.
flooding and erosion in coastal areas
flooding and hail-storms
Flooding due to inconsistent precipitation rate & rising sea level
Flooding of cities and farmlands
floods and landslides, melting glaciers
floods in coastal areas
floods, abnormal heavy rains, Increase in heat leads to drought and wildfires. It impacts on the health and causes soil erosion.
floods, tornados and hurricanes, rising of the temperature, very hot summers and warm winters without snows, disappearing of some kinds of trees
floods, tornados and hurricanes, rising of the temperature, very hot summers and warm winters without snows, disappearing of some kinds of trees
Flora- Changes in leaf and boom dates, Disruption in central enzyme of photosynthesis in plants, acid rain damages plants and crops
food insecurity
Forest fire
Forest fires
forest health and productivity
forest health and productivity
forrest fires
Frequent floods
frequent storms, landslides, extreme weather patterns
Fresh produce is not appetising and in poor condition due to acid rain and droughts
Freshwater loss
Frost-free Season (and Growing Season) will Lengthen
Frutas y verduras han INCREMENTADO SU VALOR
furtuni violente
gas emissions damage human and environmental health
gas emissions damage human and environmental health
Gene mutations
Geoclimatic risks
Give me the second life- old things and items could be used the second or the third time
Glacial retra
Glaciers melt
glaciers melting
glaciers melting
glaciers melting
Global Warming
Global warming causes climate change
GLOBAL WARMING, melting glaciers
Grasshopper turns into locust
Greater impacts in the polar regions
greenhouse effect
greenhouse gases
ground water level fall
Ground water level going down
Groundwater level will change that will disturb normal agriculture.
grow more trees
growing season lengthing
Habitat destruction due rise in sea level and warmer weather.
Habitat destructon
Habitat loss and fragmentation
Habitat loss.
Habitatul natural al animalelor este pus în pericol
Hava kirliliği sonucu bitmek bilmeyen hastalıklar
Havanın aşırı ısınması sonucu susuzluk, çöl.
Hayvan neslinin tükenmesi
Health hazards
Health Impacts
health impacts in cities due to extreme weather conditions
health issues
Health isues
health problems
health risks
health risks through rising air temperatures and heatwaves
health risks through rising air temperatures and heatwaves
Healthy issues due to air pollution
heat wave
heat waves
heat wawe
heavy snowfall
high Costs for society and economy
High temperatures
Higher average temperature Droughts Diseases among animals Heavy raind and strong wind Flooded fields Year by year summers are becoming hotter
Higher electric bills and more blackouts. As temperatures rise
Higher intensity and duration of heat waves.
higher ocean temperatures
higher ocean temperatures.
Higher rates of El Niño's occurring causing large scale coral bleaching events around Seychelles coasts.
Higher temperature.
Higher temperatures causes more forest fires which cause loss of biodiversity and habitats.
hot summers
hot weather
Hotter temperatures
Hotter temperatures
Hotter tepmerature
human activities destroys nature
Human activity and lifestyle The intense droughts of water sources affect human survival. Additionally, there are diseases and affectations in human being’s health due to air pollution.
Human activity in the form of people burning burning fossil fuels
Human Health, Triggers Natural disasters,
Human life in danger
Human lifestyle- Cardiovascular and respiratory illness aggravated due to higher air quality index, stress on food producing systems and global spread of infectious diseases
human loose their homes because of climate disaster
human migrating
Human migration and conflict
human psychology
human's health is decreasing
Humans and wild animals face new challenges for survival
Humans are suffering more due to asthma and other respiratory issues
Humans are suffering with health problems.
hunger and water shortage
hunting, habitat destruction, pollution
Hurricanes Will Become Stronger and More Intense
hybrid cars are more common
Hypothesized: global warming impacting echolocation abilities of whales, dolphins and bats, impacting their ability to navigate and find food
ice caps melting and sea levels rising, severe weather extremes such as drought, floods and bushfires,
ice melting
Ice melting and sea levels; Extreme meteorological phenomena, changing the precipitation regime Risks to human health Risks to wild flora and fauna
Ice melting at a faster rate than usual in Greenland, Antarctica and the Arctic
iceberg melting
Icebergs melt
If a volcano erupts, temperatures will increase
If it doesn't rain for long periods, we will get droughts
If the ice melts, polar bears will be extinguished
If we throw garbage into the water, animals will die
If weather patterns go on for too long, they can lead to emergencies like heat waves, flooding, and blizzards.
ÎÎncălzire glogală, inundații, dispariția unor specii de animale și plantencălzire glogală, dispariția unor specii de animale și plante, boli datorate poluarii
Imbalance in ecosysytem
Impact on agriculture and the economy
importance of planting
In addition to physical disease caused by the change in climate, environmental deterioration can cause physiological problems.
Încălzire glogală, inundații, dispariția unor specii de animale și plante,
Încălzirea globală
Incencios forestales
incêndios Florestais
incêndios Florestais
incendios forestales
Increase carbon levels
increase in carbon footprint
Increase in cost of living
Increase in cost of living
Increase in diseaMore green house gases
increase in diseases
Increase in diseases and health related problems.
Increase in epidemics and pandemics
increase in exhaust emissions
increase in exptreme weather events
increase in global temperatures
Increase in heat leads to drought and wildfires. It impacts on the health and causes soil erosion.
Increase in heat stroke patients
increase in intensity of natural disasters
increase in junk food packed in plastic and tins
increase in natural disasters like earthquakes, cyclones
increase in natural hazards
increase in ocean temperature afffects the ocean currents/ecosystems
increase in temperature
Increase in temperatures have affected the Hawksbill turtle populations- due to high temperatures altering the sex of hatchlings.
increase in the frequency of droughts and heatwaves
increase in the frequency of droughts and heatwaves
increase in the population of pests and pathogens
increase in the population of some species of insects.
Increase in the respiratory diseases in humans and animals.
increase in the sea level
increase in the sea level
increase in tolerance against toxicity by animals, plants and humans
increase in vehicles
increase in water levels
Increase of environmental hazards such as Wildlands fires
increase of forestfires
increase of salt water and sea level
increase of sea level
Increase temperature
increased building energy consumption
Increased draughts
increased drought
increased flooding and rise of sea levels
Increased food prices due to droughts
Increased heat
increased heat strokes
Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks
Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased wildfires.
increased industrial activities
increased land fills
Increased mortality rate amongst human beings - respiratory diseases, cancer.
increased number of wildfires
increased temperature
increased temperatures
increased teperature
Increased wild fires, Droughts, floods and erosions in coastal areas, People's health getting worse due to increased levels of heat.
Increased wildfires
Increases in food prices in supermarkets due to lack of production
Increases the number of invasive species
increases wild f
increasing food prices
increasing inequalities
increasing interventions by rescue services
increasing spread of pests and pathogens
increasing temparature is affecting marine life
Increasing temperatures.
Increasing the number and scale of natural disasters
indigenous trees are under stress
Industrial pollution causing chronic illnesses such as asthma and COPD.
industrial revolution
inestabilidad economica
Inflorirea pomilor în anotimpul toamna
infrastructure needs to be upgraded, which puts stress on economics
insect outbreaks
insect pests that have spread
Insensitivity to Nature
intense heat waves
Intensificarea ciclului apei ceea ce aduce precipitații mai intense și inundații asociate, precum și secetă mai intensă în multe regiuni;
Intensificatin of hurricanes and storms
intensification de feux de forêts
intensity of tropical storms
interruption of social life
invasive plants and animals
Irresponsibility on actions
Israeli occupation practices and confiscation of Palestinian lands
It also affects soil and soil becomes devoid of nutrients which affect the growth of plants.
It causes skin cancer, soil degradation, globa warming.
It is widely acknowledged that deforestation is followed by a reduction in rainfall.
It makes people alone and desperate.It will be directly the big reason for the social problems
June 28, 2020 in Western Ukraine the effects of floods (news of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
Karbon ayak izi
Karbon miktarının salınımı çok fazla.
Killing our planet and every living thing in it little by little, including human specie
Lack of control
lack of drinkable water
Lack of drinking water
Lack of education
lack of food
Lack of laws, or politics
lack of resources like food, lumber, and water
lack of snow in winter
lack of sweet water
lack of water
Lack of water and renewable energy sources
lack ofwater
Lakes full of trash
Lakes will be darker, full of plants and algaes.
Lakes will be darker, full of plants and algaes.
Land and soil polluted
land degradation, rising in sea levels
landslides, vegetation fires, wild birds no migrate
Last summer, Belgium had a twelve-day heat wave. A heat wave in Belgium means that the minimum is 25 degrees or more for five sequent days. Year after year we get more and longer heat waves in Belgium
late spring frosts
less animal in cities
less buterflies
less distinction among seasons
Less drinkable water
less green areas
less oxygen
less rainfall
less water
Less water in rivers
Life cycle of plants change
Life expectancy
lifecycle disturbance
lipsa apei potabile
Lipsa precipitațiilor vara și scăderea debitului râurilor
Lipsa zăpezii în sudul României
List of effects of climate change 1. Loss of flora and fauna 2. Scarcity of food 3. Poverty 4. Health issues 5. Hotter temperatures 6. Agricultural droughts 7. Water crises 8. Frequent natural disasters
livestock (especially cows)
Local effect of climate change that affects: · Plants : because of drought they don’t grow how they should
local effects of changing climate on agriculture in Tuscany (wine/oil production
local flash flooding
Longer and more droughts will affect flora, fauna and humans;
Longer drought and flooding
longer summers
longer summers, milder winters with less snow, and sudden season changes
Los efectos son los calores extremos, fuertes lluvias, la agricultura, la ganadería, el aire q respiramos por que en cuanto más grande sea la contaminación más nos daña nuestra salud, el agua, la pesca, la economía, etc.
Loss of animal and plant life
loss of bio-diversity
Loss of biodiversity
loss of biodiversity - flora, fauna etc
loss of biodiversity due to limited adaptability and adaptability speed of flora and fauna
Loss of certain species
Loss of certain species
Loss of clean water
loss of coastal areas
Loss of coral reefs
Loss of economic livelihoods
loss of flora and fauna
Loss of Fresh Water
loss of habitat
Loss of habitats
loss of ice sea
Loss of job,
Loss of job,
loss of land
Loss of natural habitat of flora and fauna
loss of oxygen
Loss of plant species
Loss of Polar Life
Loss of resource quality
Loss of resource quality
loss of sea ice
loss of species
Loss of water vapor
Loss of water vapor
Loss of wildlife and biodiversity.
loss the sea ice
lots of construction
lots of rain
Low and poor yields of agricultural products
low work productivity due to warm tempearture.
Lung/respiratory and heart diseases.
mal manejo de residuos, tala de árboles, falta cuidar áreas verdes de manera conciente y colectiva
mala calidad del aire
Malos olores
Many animals lose their home
Many animals lose their home
many health problems like stroke due to increase in temperature
many important diseases (dangerous to humans) are very sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall
Many plants are starting blooming earlier in the spring and survive longer into fall.
marine animal deaths
más caos ambiental
Massive amount of ice melting.
Massive extensions
Massive Logging
mayor enfermedades
Melting glacier
melting glaciers
melting ice
Melting ice and rising sea levels
Melting ice and rising seas
Melting of glaciers
melting of glaciers, floods, weather related allergies
melting of glaciers, floods, weather related allergies
Melting of ice
melting of icebergs
melting of polar ice caps
Melting poles
Mental health issues
mental health problems will rise due to bad experiences brought by disasters
Methane emissions per animal
Microfibers are filling the ocean as a result of an excessive quantities of polyester garmands.
Migración de animales
Migración masiva de aves
migrating birds
migration des populations en raison des phénomèmes climatiques extrêmes
migration of population and animals
migratory birds get stuck because of sudden weather changes
Modificación de las corrientes oceánicas, lo cual genera una modificación de la temperatura y el clima global
more diseases in animals
More droughts and dust storms
more droughts and heat wave
More expensive food and increase of hunger
more extreme weather and fires
more food must be imported
More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities.
More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities.
More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities.
More health hazards
More health hazards
More health risks
more heatwaves
More hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires etc.
more intense storms
more intense storms
more intense storms
More mosquitoes = more illnesses for animals and humans. Seasonal changes means rising pollen levels and more allergies.
more natural disasters
More severe floods and storms
More severe hurricanes
More severe storms
More severe storms Increased drought Not enough food More health risks Poverty and displacement Hotter temperatures
more taxes
more wild animals in cities
Morte de animais e plantas
Morte de animais e plantas
mudslides, draughts
Muerte, migraciòn y extinción de especies
Natural disasters like cyclones and tsunamis
Natural disasters like floods, tsunamis and even droughts
Natural processes, such as mating and foraging, sometimes have very narrow windows of time where the weather conditions are very specific, when these conditions aren’t met some species may lose numbers
New plants are coming and take space from old natural species.
New plants are coming and take space from old natural species.
no more arable land
No oxigen
No oxigen
no seasons,
No water and other life saving resources
not enough food
Not using reusable materials
Note enough food
Number of monsoon creatures are decreasd
numerous natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, tornados, draughts, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, more frequent storms, extreme weather patterns...)
occurance of fires
ocean acidification
Ocean Corrent
Ocean life in danger
ocean temperature is warmer
oceans rising
olas de calor
Olas de calor extremo
Olas de calor y frio
on animals - survival
on environment - storms, heat waves, melting glaciers
on humans - health
ondas de calor (aumento da mortalidade humana, risco de incêndios
Ondas de calor (aumento da mortalidade humana; risco de incêndio)
Outdoor work could become unbearable. With continued global warming
Overall, climate change is expected to stunt(stop) plant growth. ✓Declining plant growth would destroy forests
ozone layer depletion
Pandemics, increased temperatures
People are not aware that the population density of the countries of the world is high. So air pollution is going out day by day.
people can get sick from all the smoke, and pollution.
People change their way of life. Because of the extremely hot summers, outdoor work becomes difficult to do.
people displacement because of weather and climate disasters
people displacement because of weather and climate disasters
people lose their homes
Perda da biodiversidade
Pérdida biodiversidad de plantas y animales
pérdida de ecosistemas con la consecuente extinción de animales.
perdida de glaciares y fuentes de agua dulce
Perdida de la Biodiversidad
Perdida de la Biodiversidad
Periods of extreme heat, especially in urban areas, which are called
pest thriving
pierderi economice
Plagas que propician enfermedades en plantas y en seres humanos.
plagues in agriculture
Planst and animals
Plant and animal extinction
Plant respiration is a large, environmentally sensitive component of the ecosystem carbon balance, and net ecosystem carbon flux will change as the balance between photosynthesis and respiration changes.
plantation diversity
plants and animals are dying, so the food and agricultural productions will decrease.
plants and animals extinction
Plants are burning.
Plants can hardly tolerate high temperatures and drought in summer, frosts in late spring.
ploi acide
polination decreases
political upheaval due to weather related human displacement
Polluted air
Polluted river
Polluted sky we can't see the stars and the sky.
Polluting transport Buildings that need energy rehabilitation Industry as a cause of climate change Excessive waste generation Agriculture and livestock: unsustainable food system Waste of energy Deforestation.
pollution , indistrialization , garbge , overheating , global warming
Pollution index rise
pollution, water, Loss of wildlife and biodiversity.
poluarea aerului
poluarea apei
Poluição atmosférica
poor air quality
Poor crop production
poor flow of water at Iguazù Falls>tourism decrease>economy decrease
poor soil
poor yield of crops.
poor yield of crops.
Potency of natural disasters like hurricanes and storms becomes more intense due to climate change.
poverty & displacement
Power Plants
Precipitaciones abundantes que generan daños en ciudad y en zonas de cultivo
Presencia de roedores
processed foods
produccion de altas cantidades de matano liberado a la atmosfera
Prolonged Summers
pronounced weather changes
Propagación de enfermedades
Pungent chemical odour in the air.
Pyschological and social effects(Climate change affects humans' resilience)
quality of grains
Radioactive Waste
rain and floods
raising ocean levels
Raising the level of the Black and Azov Seas
re radiant energy
Recifele de corali riscă să dispară
Redistribution of precipitation
reduce access to food, and affect food quality.
reduce water availability
reduced agricultural yields
reduced run-off from snow and ice cover
reduced tourism
Reduction of Ozone layer.
Reduction of species diversity of river flora and fauna
release of greenhouse gases
respeitar os ciclos naturais do planeta.
respiratory diseases
Respiratory illnesses
risc pentru calitatea vieții populației
Rise in CO2 will affect plant photosynthesis.
rise in oceans
Rise in sea level
rise in sea levels leading to floods
Rise in sealevel water
Rise in temperature
Rise in temperature of the earth
Rise in temperature which leads to rise in sea levels, causing floods
Rise in temperatures causing a shift in the weather pattern.
Rise in temperatures causing a shift in the weather pattern.
Rise in the CO2 level due to stubble burning
rising in sea levels
rising extinction rate of flora and fauna
Rising global average temperature
Rising global temperatures threaten human health, increase the risk of some types of extreme weather, and damage ecosystems. And as the oceans warm and polar ice caps melt, sea levels are rising, endangering coastal areas.
Rising maximum and minimun temperatures
rising maximum temperatures. rising minimum temperatures. rising sea levels. higher ocean temperatures.
rising maximum temperatures. rising minimum temperatures. rising sea levels. higher ocean temperatures.
Rising minimum and maximum temperatures.
rising minimum temperatures. rising sea levels. higher ocean temperatures. an increase in heavy precipitation (heavy rain and hail) shrinking glaciers.
rising of sea levels
rising of sea levels
rising of sea levels
Rising sea level.
rising sea levels
Rising sea levels Longer periods of drought More frequent wildfires
rising sea levels and shrinking ice caps
Rising sea levels is the most lethal of all effects of climate change as it threatens entire populations of coastal cities.
Rising sea levels Shrinking mountain glaciers Ice melting at a faster rate than usual in Greenland, Antarctica and the Arctic Changes in flower and plant blooming times.
rising sea levels.
rising sea-levels
rising taxes
rising temeratures
rising temperatures
Rising temperatures lower many species survival rates due to changes that lead to less food, less successful reproduction, and interfering with the environment for native wildlife.
Risk of animal extinction
Risk of extinction
Risks for human health
Risks for wild flora and fauna
Risks for wildlife
Risks for wildlife and human health
Risks to human health
Risks to wild flora and fauna
Rivers drying up
roads flooding
salud: empeoramiento de las enfermedades respiratorias
save the earth
save the earth
save the forests
save the nature
save the nature
save the planet
save world
schimbarea vremii
Sea Ice Melting
Sea Level rise
sea level rises because of icecaps melting
Sea level rises because of melting glaciers
sea level rising
Sea Level Will continue to rise
Sea levels rise.
sea levels rising
Sea-level rise leads to flooding
Seasonal changes = rising of pollen levels = more allergies.
Seasons are not as expected - either hotter or colder or starting later
seasons fade away
secas, conduzindo à diminuição da produção agricola
secete, inundatii
Sectors that rely strongly on certain temperatures and precipitation levels such as agriculture, forestry, energy and tourism are particularly affected more specially areas like in simi arid
security of nourishment
sequḯa, no se podran regar los cultivos.
Sequias descontroladas, incendios forestales
Sequías extremas y por períodos más prolongados.
Sever Drought has led to extreme wild fires on our East Coast. this not only impacted human life but has brought many of our beautiful animal to the point of extinction like the Koala.
Several animals have been diagnosed with problems such as watery eyes, respiratory distress, running nose, and similar problems.
Severe changes in temperatures and weather.
severe droughts in Mekong delta is threatening food supply sources
Severe effects on human health
severe rains are causing disturbances in personal life
severe storms
severe weather
severe weather damage
sex of the hatchlings
shifting rainfall
shifts in food availability
short winters and long summers
shortage of drinking water
shrinking glaciers
Simple acts
skin diseases.
Small crops
Smoke makes it hard to breathe
Sobreexplotación de aguas subterráneas por perforaciones de pozos sin normativa adecuada. Disminución del caudal de los ríos
soil errosion, Lack of drinking water
Soil is becoming infertile
Soil pollution
Soil, water and air pollutin
Soil, water and air pollution
solutions of the climate changing
solutions of the climate changing
some animals and plants change: some disappear, new species invade
some Mediterranean plant species thrive on the continent
Sonsuz beton yığını
Space trash may block sun waves coming in and heat waves leaving earth
species go extinct as their habitats are affected by climate changing
Spring flowers bud and bloom again in late autumn
Storms and floods
storms and strong wind
Storms Increase
Storms that are more severve
Storms that are more severve
stormy weathers
Street play about climate change
strong rain
strong storms
Stronger storms
stronger winds
Stunted plant growth
stunted plant growth due to imbalance in the level of atmospheric gases.
subida do nível dos oceanos
subida do nível médio dos oceanos
subida do nível médio dos oceanos
submergence of islands under water,
submersion of coastal areas
Sudden change of temperature
summers are getting hotter, winters are warmer and snow rarely falls, long dry periods
summers are hotter, winters are colder and monsoon is shorter
Super fires
super typhoon
tala de árboles
Temeperature rise
Temperature and lack of water can make it hard to harvest
Temperature changes in local areas may have the effect of altering the sex ratios of population-- which may affect future reproduction
temperature is rising
Temperature rise
temperature rises
Temperature rising
temperature will continue to increase
temperatures rising
temperatures will continue to rise
temporales : huracanes de categoria 5 que destrozan lugares
The agriculture is the most affected domain due to intense droughts or hail
the air pollution
the Arctic is Likely to Become Ice-Free
The areas those are low rainfall area are experiencing high rainfall and at some places productive lands are experiencing desertification.
the availability of water, is scarcer increasing the vulnerability of ecosystems.
The average temperature is going up.
The biodiversity is changing drastically which is endangering the life of every being on Earth
The birds which were commonly seen in the city are now not visible , like sparrows , due to the cutting down of trees , particularly the banyan
The bombs and missiles that Russia fires at Ukraine are poisoning the groundwater
The change of the hydrological cycle
The disappearance of some plants and animals due to global warming
the disappearance of some seasons: spring or autumn
the disappearances of the 4 seasons
the earth is getting sick
The Earth's temperature increases
The Earth's temperature increases
The effects of air pollution.
The effects of climate change identified by students are drought, desertification, declining agricultural production, drinking water crisis, disease, poverty, social crises.
The effects of Climate Change locally are: increasing average temperatures; drought; winters without snow; frequent and strong storms; rare rains, but with large amounts of water per square meter; lowering of the river level.
The effects of Climate Change locally are: increasing average temperatures; drought; winters without snow; frequent and strong storms; rare rains, but with large amounts of water per square meter; lowering of the river level.
the effects of soil pollution
the effects of water pollution
the extinction of animal species
The extinction of animal and plant species and therefore human extinction as a result of climate change
the extinction of some animals and plants
the extinction of some species
the fall of water level
the four seasons we once knew are disappearing
the gases emitted by motor vehicles contribute to the greenhouse effect
The Greenhouse Effect
The health of people and plants in our city is under peril due to the rise in pollution. We need to plant more trees to produce more oxygen because the air we breathe is contaminated. Students have begun caring for the trees they hope to adopt.
The ice is melting in Earth's poles.
The ice is melting in Earth's poles.
The increase in temperature causes strong changes on Earth. Periods of drought or heavy rain are common throughout the planet, in addition to other phenomena such as hurricanes and cyclones.
The loss of animal populations
The melting of glaciers.
the natural release of methane, burning coal, and carbon emissions from factories.
the need for adaptation in all areas (e.g. agriculture, forestry, energy, infrastructure, tourism, etc.)-rising maximum temperatures
The Ozone is being affected.
the photosynthesis process has been affected
the photosynthesis process has been affected
The plants started to demonstrate negative effects as they aged.
The polluting substances, deforestation might be in the future continuously increasing temperatures, stronger and more intense hurricanes, sea levels will rise.
the quality
the quality of life decreases
the quality of life decreases
The rise in temperatures has caused coral bleaching to the Great Barrier Reef. Over half of the reef has been lost to this and will continue if temperatures continue to rise.
The sea animals eat the trash and get sick
The sea level is rising.
The sea level is rising.
The summers are longer. Heavy rains and floods. Unusual wind intensifications. Mild and snowless winters.
the temperature has been steadily rising when it should be cold.
the weather got warmer
The weather is too hot (extreme temperatures)
There is less food to eat
This affects animals because their biological rhythm of hibernation or mating changes.
Threar to wildlife
threat to humans
Three climate change effects at local levels on: - plants: the carbon dioxide will affect the plant’s photosynthesis; the increase of the temperature will lead to higher desiccation; many plants can have a difficult adaptation to climate change.
Tiny theme needed to increase tree planting rate and prevent wildfires
to keep the environment clean
Too much garbage on public spaces
topirea ghetarilor
Torrential rain
Tractors and machines releases toxic gasses
Tree cutting
Tropical diseases
tropical storms
Uçak seyahatleri kötü etkiliyor.
Un availability of seasonal vegetables and fruits
unavailability of natural resources
unbalance season
unexpected floods
Unexpected floods, hurricanes and storms.
Unexpected risk of illness and death
Unfortunately few people are aware of preserving the environment. They do not recycle products and end up polluting everything. Is very sad.
Uninhabitable Land
unpredictable weather patterns
unpredictable weather patterns, loss of wildlife, biodiversity loss
unseasonal rain
Unsustainable food systems
Untimely Rain and Storms
Unusual and unprecedented spells of hot weather are expected to occur far more frequently and cover much larger areas.
upper ocean heat content has increased significantly over the past few decades
Urban flooding
Use public transport more
Using mathematical modeling, Ukrainian scientists have determined that the common squirrel (protein) can lose from 49% to 97% of its range in Ukraine due to long-term climate change.
Variabilidad climática acelerada, con temperaturas extremas récord en la historia
Variation in Solar Output
vegetation fires. greenhouse effects, generation of new pandemics, extreme weather phenomena
violent thunderstorms
Volcanic Activity
Volcanic Erruption
Volcanic eruption
warm winters without snow
warmer ocens
Warmer Temperature across the world
Warmer Temperature across the world
Warmer temperatures
warming oceans
wasted food (pollution, floods, drafts)
wate pollution
water consumption
water contamination
water drying
water levels rise from the melting of ice
Water pollution
water salinity
water scarce for industrial and agricultural use
water shortage
water shortages
water stress
Waterlogging and floods
Waterlogging and floods
Weather conditions are becoming more and more extreme.
Weather pattern-amplification of heat waves
Weather patterns The melting of poles increases the sea level. In other regions, there are large avalanches or strong winds, apart from intense heat or cold waves.
weather related infectious diseases effects human health
weather related infectious diseases effects human health
Whether we realize it or not, we all emit carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases, through our day-to-day activities. The amount we emit is called our “carbon footprint.”
wild animals find food and water more difficult
winters are milder, without snow
winters are wet and there is less snow
winters are wet and there is less snow
With climate change many plants that have no source of water, light or air are dying. Deforestation has been very large, trees have died almost daily!
yellow grass in the summer
Биљке цветају и у јесен због високих температура.
використання втоинної сировини
горят леса
Забруднення пов'язані з війною, забруднення повітря, мінування територій
Нема јасно изражених годишњих доба као некада.
переробка паперу
Све чешће се јављају временске непогоде у виду поплава, јаких олуја, па чак и пијавица које нису карактеристичне за подручје Србије.
“Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. “
“Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. “
“Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. “
• Increase in the numbers of wildfires and their effects.
• Loss of agricultural productivity.