SK St Patrick is located in an urban area in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. There are 731 students studying in this school. The students are engaged in many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) oriented projects. The students are actively involved in collaborating locally and globally in presenting their environmental actions to protect the environment, oceans and humans well-being. Recently, we have collaborated with Malaysia Nature Society to organise a drive run in creating awareness of plastic pollution so that the students will refuse to use plastic bags and other plastic products. The students are also educated to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic trash at home and in the school. The students are educated to recycle the plastic waste through upcycling so that the plastic trash can be reduced. The remaining plastic trash are sent to a local recycling company for recycling and to generate funds for purchasing dustbins. The students until today have collected 100 kgs of plastic trash and the trash are sent to a local recyling centre for recycling. The students have taken shared responsibility to "Say No to Plastic". This campaign will be continued to save the environment, sea creatures in oceans/rivers and humans health. The students are also encouraged to plant as many plants/trees as possible to save the nature, animals and humans. They have planted in total more than 50 plants in their houses and at school collectively. The students are guided through in taking charge of the environmental actions together for a greener better world in saving the Mothere Nature.
The students are actively engaged in planting trees/plants at home to learn about the importance of trees for the environment, animals and also humans. They learnt to save the papers so that the trees will be saved globally. They also collected trash from their homes to be recycled in a local company from the school. The students have taken shared responsibilty to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic waste from home and school.
The students are encouraged to look for online reading materials and resources to find the causes of water pollution, plastic waste and management. The students prepared presentation slides and presented in the classroom. The students are also encouraged to make a video presentation to take environmetal actions together. The students are encouraged and guided to clean plastic trash from home to be brought to the school for sending the trash to a local recycling company. The students are educated the danger of plastic trash and microplastics to humans health, environment, and sea creatures in oceans/rivers.
"Say No to Plastic" is a campaign done during Climate Action Project in collaboration with Malaysia Nature Society in encouraging the students to collect plastic waste from home to be recycled in a local company. The students brought plastic waste from home after cleaning the plastic trash to be brought to school on every Wednesday for recycling. The students are guided by the educators to reduce and refuse usage of plastic bags, containers, straws and more plastic materials to save the environment, humans health and slo sea creatures in oceans/ rivers. The students collected 91.2kg of plastic trash in one month to be recycled and some of the plastics are turned into innovative products in upcycling. The students are encouraged to spread this campaign in their neighhbourhood and community trhough social media pages and also by giving away pamphleys to the community and other students. The students are able to continue collecting trash even after completion of climate Action Project to create awareness and refuse usage of plastic and adopt green technology to save the environment.
SK St Patrick students have collaborated with educators and students from India and Colombia. The students are from Veda Vyasa DAV Public School, India, IE CASD Jose Prudencio Padilla Public School, Colombia and Sri Seshaas International Public School,India in discussion the real environmental actions to be taken to save the environment. The students shared ideas and thoughts related to climate change, causes of climate change, solutions to be taken to overcome climate change and real environmental actions to be taken drastically like planting trees, drive run and waste management of aluminium, glass, papers and plastic waste. The students are able to come up with innovative ideas to recycle waste through reusing the waste mateials and also upcycling. In short, the educators and students are able to take actions together to overcomne climate change during Climate Action Project.
The widespread use of plastic in Malaysia has raised the concerns of various parties. This is because, we are aware that the impact of the widespread use of plastic in Malaysia can be harmful to the surrounding. We use plastic when shopping for groceries and also in restaurants or eateries using straws and plastic wrappers. More regrettably, these plastics were then dumped in the wrong channel causing our environment to be polluted and disrupting habitats on land and in the oceans. The project "Say No to Plastic" has many benefits:
In conclusion, the students were able to work together to carry out this project with the assistance of the advisory teachers and the committee. They managed to collect 91.2 kg of plastic waste. The students were able to clean used plastic trash from home weekly and they brought the trash to the school every Wednesday to be sent to the TL Recycling factory, Tawau. The students have presented the benefits of this project in Malaysia and internationally in several countries. In addition,several students participated in a project "SUCHANA-For the Planet Saviours UN-SDG Goals Project" and The FUTURE WE WANT -SERIES III in collaboration with Internaitonal English Language Teachers Association(IELTA) in taking real actions by investigating and preparing prototypes using used plastic items from this recycling project and planting trees/plants as part of the projects. In conclusion, the students are able to participate in this international Climate Action International Project to take "environmental actions" to save the earth through avoiding the use of plastic as well as recycling and upcycling the trash.
This recycling project '"Say No to Plastic" will continue throughout the school to foster a love for the environment among the students. In addition, the students are eager to continue the program every Wednesday from 6.40am to 6.55am so that our small step can lead to giant leaps in saving the environment, sea creatures in oceans/rivers and humans health.