Pınar Demirel

One of our students,Mira shared the action she took about climate change.She told how they gathered with her friends to collect the rubbish on the beach, to put some pet food in recycled boxes for animals in the streets,and how they informed people in the neighbourhood about the effects of Climate Change. We feel proud of her being activist. On the other hand, all students in school watched some videos about the differences between the climate and the weather and redefined the climate change. They reseached the reasons of climate change, reflected their feelings and ideas in different ways,such as posters,cartoons,slogans and drawings, and shared them all with the school community.We are happy to complete the goal of week 1 in a successful way.
We planted some flowers, seeds, and trees in the garden of the campus with students from different grades. One of our classes made a tree with a branch and attached their messages to the paper leaves of the tree. Some others made bulletin boards reflecting their thoughts and feeling about the effects of climate change. They took action.
Our 3rd Grade students cleaned up the parks and streets around the school and the 2nd grade students invited the represantatıves of TEMA, Turkish Foundation for Combating Erosion, Afforestation and Conservation of Natural Assets to learn more about the causes and results of the climate change. We started a campaign to be volunteers for TEMA in our school community. Some of our classes also decided to take place in a local project called "ZERO WASTE".
In classes, students watched videos and presentations from different countries and thought about their responsibilities and solutions for climate change. They made mind maps and paired to share their ideas. They acted like planting seeds, cleaning the parks, sorting the rubbish to recycle, and reading children's literature about environmental issues.