Sanja Pavlovic Sijanovic

Project aims to innovatively develop and implement education programs for sustainable development through the development of competences and active participation of students in the field of sustainable development while strengthening the partnership between schools and local communities in raising awareness of sustainable development.The activities will encourage students to act and initiate actions aimed at achieving SDGs and sustainable society in its entirety.A series of educational, practical and creative activities and methods of innovative and experiential learning will raise the level of knowledge, awareness and skills for the adoption of green lifestyle in accordance with sustainable development. Informing the public and media about the importance of the topic as well as project implementation, will promote project activities, the importance of sustainable development, environmental and nature care and environmental action, all with the aim of developing a sustainable community.
Conventional resources are limited their regular use reduce its availability for future generation. To avoid the depletion of these resources humans habe to rely on non-conventional sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy…
Solar power is the last energy resource that isn't owned yet - nobody taxes the sun yet. (Bonnie Raitt)
SOLAR SUN TRACKER uses a photo resistor to adjust the angle of the solar panels according to the strongest source of the Sun light. This way of tracking the Sun light gives us the opportunity to increase the percentage of using the Sun energy which is stored in a power bank for later use and distribution of electricity to the city lights. For this project I used Genuine Arduino MKR 1000 board. (program code)
Working in groups made up of students from the same school, we created a database of 39 issues covering the areas of nutrition, transportation, energy and waste, water and forests. With 10 questions/statements, we have prepared a creative description in the form of feedback for three categories: Eco - reckless, Eko - interested and Eco - aware.
We formed a mixed group, and each school, selected several students who , together with other members of the mixed group in the Gotoquiz tool , created Calculator by entering the created questions, points and feedback. Teachers helped with advice and knowledge in creating calculators. 23 students and teachers actively participated in the work of the mixed group.
Although our original idea was to create a calculator in Google forms because of the need to score each individual answer offered (5 alternative answers) within each question, by exchanging experiences and ideas, we opted for the web 2.0 Gotoquiz tool that met all our needs and requirements.
Our Calculator has been created and as such is available to everyone and we invite you to each other to calculate their own ecological footprint and, based on the achieved results and feedback on the relationship between modern man and natural resources, and to understand more closely their own contribution to sustainable development.
Ecological Footprint Calculator https://www.gotoquiz.com/ecological_footprint_kalkulator
The students of Gymnasium Vukovar combined interest in technology, love for Slavonia as well as a certain level of knowledge and created a technological solution that contributes to the achievement of the global goals of sustainable development. As part of the international eTwinning project The green changemakers, they have developed a technological solution that has several integrated global goals in its nature and offers the possibility ofimminent poverty and hungerand fasting for sustainable agriculture, whichroms prosperity for people of all generations. The technological solution offers access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy at affordable prices for all, the idea of sustainablyg water management through the integration of adaptivee infrastructuree that can help withlessinequality within and between countries. In addition to preventing climate change, it prevents sustainable uses of terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity about sigura, making homes, cities, settlements and villages an inclusive, safe, adaptable and sustainable place to live.
The IoT 4 SDGs project supports every farmer, family farm or agricultural industry in the form of monitoring, automation and data analysis using IoT with the aim of managing agricultural areas while saving time, money, resources such as water and electricity as well as preserving ecosystems. The designed IoT-based smart agriculture solution offers the opportunity to improve the entire agricultural system by monitoring fields in real time.
In the IoT-based smart agriculture project, a system has been built to monitor crop fields with the help of light, temperature and soil and air humidity sensors, whereby farmers can monitor conditions on the ground from anywhere. These sensors provide data that helps not only track but also optimize crops by adapting to changes in environmental conditions.
IoT connectivity allows all types of physical sensors to send data directly to virtual dashboards without human interaction. The sensors used within the IoT device are designed to detect, measure and report one variable at a time in the real world and time. In this way , they help to understand everything around us in a measurable and universal way.
The impacts of climate change are increasingly evident. The frequency and extent of the devastation and destruction caused by the weather is getting stronger and more frequent. According to a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2021), climate change is intensifying the water cycle, leading to intensifying droughts in many regions. Slavonia is no exception. Drought is the main and most common cause of unprofitable yields of the most important crops and in the future droughts and increasing in intensity are predicted to become more frequent. Our smart water system is based on the Internet of Things (IoT) sensor, and thanks to big data and analytics, it can reduce the amount of water consumed during agricultural and production processes and improve the efficiency of water distribution systems.
Soil moisture sensors determine soil moisture, with a constant for dry soil between 3 and 5, about one for air and about 80 for water. As such, they are integrated into the irrigation system in agriculture to help in the effective organization of the water supply. Such gauges help reduce or improve irrigation in an accurate and timely way, saving water to achieve optimal plant growth.
Temperature sensors measure the amount of heat in the source, allowing to detect temperature changes while converting detected changes into data. These sensors are useful for the operation of irrigation systems since they provide timely data and, for example, prevent irrigation at low temperatures when the water freezes. By using management and control data, soil sensors contribute to labour savings in agricultural work and reduce the wastage of valuable resources such as water.
Light sensors can be used for all types of purposes, for example, for time monitoring, as well as applications in agriculture where measuring light absorbed by soil is essential.
Humidity sensors in a number of production processes are used to measure and maintain the necessary microclimate, especially the specified water vapor content in the air or gas. For this purpose, instruments such as hygrometer and hygrostat are used, while in models that we make in school and start using a microcontroller we use the DHT 11, 21 or 22 sensor. Withan ensor of humidity, it is used not only in production (for example, to determine the properties of wood), but can be used to regulate the dryness of air in rooms such as warehouses of agricultural products or crops on site so that we have accurate information for harvesting, etc.
Applying IoT sensors to create smart agriculture helps farmers monitor temperature, light, humidity levels, crop health, and more—helping them take care of their crops proactively, rather than constantly reacting when things go wrong.
As this technology is constantly improving and becoming cheaper over time, and there are more and more young people creating their views on possible solutions, just like us, we believe and hope that smart agriculture will come to life!
The world's population is expected to increase from the current level of just over seven billion people to nine or ten billion people by 2050 and simply not enough resources left to feed unless we turn to smart agriculture.
The use of IoT sensors helps farmers track crops in real time, helping to ensure the exact amount of water and nutrients each plant needs at any given time – neither too little nor too much. And all this means less waste for the environment with maximum food production through sustainable methods that are good for both humans and animals.
LEGO Robotic Arm - our technological product in the service of sustainable development.
This is a model of a prosthetic hand made exclusively of Legos. The main purpose of the project is to create a prosthetic time frame that will precisely imitate the entire range of movements of a normal human fist and hand. All arm and elbow turns, wrist posture, abduction (moving away) and adjunction (receiving) are all controlled using Lego pneumatic cylinders. One of the goals was to maximize speed and power, but to maintain a consistent ratio between them for demonstration purposes. It is worth noting that it was designed as a prosthesis above the elbow, while the second lower part served as the base for fastening and the final appearance of the model. The weight it can lift is limited to the shape of the object and the orientation of the joint and elbow, but no more than 1kg.
The main characteristics:
The robotic arm is an excellent multi-tasker. It can perform a wide range of work without collapsing under the weight of requirements. Some of the advantages are relatively high speed of work, increased efficiency, longer working hours and non-pollution of the environment. It is also applicable to perform repetitive actions or chores that are considered too routine (monotonous), dirty or too dangerous for humans.
We created a book in which we covered and presented the goals of sustainable development - eBook SDGs
We also created a virtual walk through the works we created.