Swapna Yadav

Climate Action Week 1 of the project kick started with a group discussion with grade 2 students. A video on climate change was shown to the young climate crusaders. children were then put into small groups to discuss and draw the causes of climate change. Students then presented their work to class. the session ended with a class discussion which was lead by the teacher and responses were elicited from young learners. It was nice to see how students discussed in small groups and expressed quite well in their first ever poster presentation on climate change. On the same day students planted small saplings in school garden. Students happily planted saplings and promised to take care of them, However, we noticed that it was difficult for students to understand that plants have emotions, they can feel the touch and should be taken care of like small babies. We wanted our students to understand that plants have emotions. To achieve this aim, we read a research paper by JC bose the great Indian Bio physicists who in 1900 proved that plants have emotions using mimosa plant. The same experiment was then shown to paarents and students in the parents orientation program conducted on the next day. Students were given a taks of whispering into plants ears, They were asked to compliment their plants, touch them tenderly and water them regularly. Around 50 parents attended the orientation and enthusiatically participated in discussion and poster making with their children. Furthermore, Parents were assigned task of clicking the real images of caused of Climate change in Mumbai on their way home and upload as many images as possible on the school telegram group. By the end of the day, the telegram group was loaded with authentic pictures clicked by parents depicting causes of climate change in Mumbai. Additionally, We created a Climate Action wall at our School and displayed all the posters prepared by parents and students during orientation. Overall, an exciting week with loads of learning and experimentation!
The week began with a plantation drive by Pre- Primary children. Parents were actively involved in the project. the school garden is now full of 80 new flowering plant. Thereafter we asked our children to share the real images of effects of climate change on living things. Students uploaded pictures on telegram group. We then had a short skit signifying the effects of Climate change in Mumbai. Students performed an emotional play showing the effects of climate change on plants, acquatic life and humanbeings. they showcase their excellent performances in the skit. The skit was then shared on various social media platforms to sensitze parents and other school communities about serious threats posed by climate change. Our young climate warriors urged people to find solutions to mitigate the issue, Overall, an exciting week!
In week 3 we collaborated with 4 countries namely turkey, Mexico, Brazil and Ukraine. It was a great learning experience indeed!! Our Children got an excellent platform to showcase their activities at global level. our kids are from grade 1 and 2 however they could interact well at international meets.
Our learning from Turkey- conducting surveys at school level, Celebrating the moment of tree plantation
Our learning with Mexico- Fruit garden, making compost, collection of plastic bottles contest, making brooms out of recycled plastic bottles
Our learning with Brazil- Teaching climate change song, collecting trash from school
Our Learning from Ukraine- Being resilient, cleaning water ponds
overall, a week full of excitement and learning.
This week our students prepared Birdfeeders for mitigating the issue for bird migration and also made compost for plants under recycle and reuse theme. We even urged our children to celebrate Eco-friendly Diwali festival which means children will not play with crackers to curb air and noise pollution. Children prepared lanterns made from recycled products instead of buying plastic lanterns from market. The Parent representatives spread a word about Climate change in community via videos which were shared in school groups and vicinity. Students prepared climate change models which will be exhibited after Diwali vacation. Overall, a productive week.