Danijela Maurac

In the first week, the students had a workshop and talked about the climate and the causes of global climate change. They made a list of activities and made posters about Climate Action Day by painting them and making them in the digital tool Canva. The task is for them to go around their neighborhood for the next week and photograph everything that they think humans have done badly for the environment.
This activity is based on learning scenario Save the water save the Earth.
Students will get the tasks for exploring at home.(flipped classroom). Next day they must present their results in front of classroom. Afther that they will have work in groups on
the experiments. Also they will present conclusions and at the and they will have art
workshop with presentation of their posters in Canva. They need to find solution how to how to reduce drinking water consumption.
Students discussed the impact of global changes on the water cycle in nature. Using recycled material, they created a 3D representation of water circulation in clean and unpolluted nature as well as polluted. They explained the circulation process, smog, acid rain and what changes cause water pollution and how we can prevent it.
The students observed the environment around them and photographed the bad influence of man on nature. It was agreed that something should be done, and through the Plogging activity, they collected the trash they found and sorted it into the designated containers. They tried to encourage other citizens to be active and invited adults to join them.
On this activity students talked about sustainable economy, oil consumption and people as consumer. They watched video about that and wrote all effects. Afther that they had workshop with Lego and they made model of school of future with garden, pet center, solar panel, windmill,composter. electric car and electric station. We made apointment with Delhi Private School, RAK to have online meeteng. We had deal to prepare a posters and presentations about school, town and environmental issues in our country.
The students helped clean the banks of the Žrnovnica river that flows near the city Split , and afterwards they had a workshop about universe and climate change. They observed the moon and stars through a telescope, took pictures and spent time in pure nature, learning about the importance of preserving the environment.
We applied to the Edu Tree platform Plant a tree, don't be a stump and arranged to plant trees in the school yard
During theClimate Action Day students made posters with group work that they will present on November 10 to students from Delhi Private School, RAK in Abu Dhabi, as well as on November 14 to students from elementary school in Belgrade and also they watched presenters on Youtube.