Tülay Babadağ Çevik

We started our lesson by asking our students what global warming and climate change are. We brainstormed with the youth. We stated that climate change is the changes in weather conditions caused by global warming. We discussed how our own region, Bursa, was affected by climate change. We conducted a literature research. Using the information we gathered We asked our students to explain the causes of climate change in Bursa by drawing pictures, posters, cartoons, etc. In our class activity, we decided that climate change is not just a change in temperature, but a change in living conditions.
We prepared the causes of climate change in the city we live in as a presentation with our students.
After the activity, our students took the terms global warming and climate change as keywords and prepared a concept map.
In order to draw attention to drought, one of the effects of climate change, we came together with the teachers and students of Hasan Ali Yücel Anatolian High School, Hasan Aslanoba Anatolian High School and Hürriyet Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in the Gölbaşı village of Kestel district. We drew attention to the effects of climate change by making investigations around Gölbaşı Lake and agricultural lands, which are in danger of drying out in the village. We have observed that almost all of the lake has dried up. In order to increase social awareness on environmental issues, we completed our activity by organizing a garbage collection activity around the lake.
In cooperation with TEMA, we watched presentations on climate change with our students. We decided to plant trees in our school in the coming weeks.
We came together with the teachers and students of Hasan Ali Yücel Anatolian High School and Hürriyet Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, one of the schools of our city, in the village of Liplı in Kestel district, in order to bring the effects of climate change to students in unique ways within the scope of the CLIMATE ACTION PROJECT, which our school carried out jointly with 149 countries.
On the lip tree road, the students of both schools worked in cooperation and held a forest bathing event. As part of the paint for CLIMATE activity, the students drew the messages they wanted to give for nature on each other's faces using face paints. We finished our activity by walking together for nature.
Although climate change is a global problem, there are many ways to prevent it by changing our daily habits. We brainstormed with our students the methods that we would apply individually. Each student promised to tell his family what he learned. These methods;
1) Let's unplug the electrical appliances that we do not use. Electrical devices such as televisions, computers, and phone chargers use electricity even in standby mode. For this reason, let's not forget to pull the plugs.
2) Let's use energy saving bulbs. LED, compact fluorescent and halogen lamps consume up to 80% less energy and last 25% longer than previous lamp models.
3) Let's buy energy-saving products. Before buying an electronic product, let's pay attention to how much power it uses. By purchasing an energy efficient product, we can both take a step against global warming and save money in the long run.
4) Let's strengthen the heat insulation of our house.
5) Let's walk or ride a bike. In this way, we save energy, improve our health and help the environment.
6) Let's use public transportation instead of cars. If it is not possible to walk to school or work where we live, choosing public transportation instead of our own car will reduce carbon emissions.
We went for a walk together in the green area and rode our bikes in the mihrab park in order to raise our awareness with the measures we can take.
As a school, we distributed clean water at the school with the slogan of "There is no LIFE WITHOUT WATER" to protect our water. We wrote messages on water bottles. We prepared special boards.
Our school students were born on October 27, 2022, Pakistan Dan Beaconhouse School System Cantt Campus, Sargodha students,Malatyadan DR. SAADETTİN HACI EVLIYAGİL ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL students shared the cities they live in and the global climate change in their cities and their activities in the climate action project in virtual environment. Our students expressed that they are very happy to get to know the culture of different countries and cities.
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection, Control and Climate Change Department Head Mr. Hürriyet MTLA students together with our school students presented the manifesto of our Climate Action Project to Yıldız Odaman CINDORUK and Osmangazi Deputy Mayor. Our cooperation will continue with the effective work we will do in the coming days.
With this project, our school students' awareness of the consequences of climate change has increased. As a school, we decided to reduce our carbon and water footprint. Our school students and teachers flowered the garden of our school and planted trees.
We have taken action as a school, we are waiting for you.
On October 31, 2022, with the participation of Hürriyet MTAL, ISE Science High School and our school student, Prof.Dr. We held an interview with Sıddık CINDORUK and Dr. Sevil CALISKAN on Global warming and climate change. One of our aims was to raise awareness of our project.
We watched the live broadcast with our students on November 3, 2022. We watched the activities of other international schools with pleasure.