Malgorzata Kulesza

1. This week our Geography teacher has organized the workshop for high school students "Waste Management". The workshop has forwarded the discussion which shows that young people read, investigate and analyse reasons which have already led (and which still influence) to the climate change.
We have also studied the scheme which shows an enormous quantity of waste which each person in different countries generates per year (the teacher has used different official source to prepare the information).
Then students worked in groups in order to create the poster which had to enumerate the impact of waste on the climate change. Visual results had been discussed.
The workshop has increased the awareness of students about the climate change and also highlighted the importance of every day climate's care and waste balance.
2.In the group of teachers, engaged in the project, we have discussed the Fashion Evening "Give me the second life". The goal of this school event is to show that old things and items could be used the second or the third time.
The event has aimed to involve students into the creative collaboration through climate education. The date, form, place and have been chosen.
3. We have also studied the material about Climate Action project and agreed the nearest meeting to discuss everything in details.
4. Students have also been informed about the possibility to join big in-school Climate Activities, as preparation of the fashion evening „Give me the second life” and the creative exhibition „How the planet Earth looks in 50 years”.
We have met two times this week to discuss all our activities. We have decided how our main events look like and what kind of support we need to incorporate. Students have collaborated actively. The poster for our FB has been created. the idea of the poster is to inform the school and not-school society about the project and also attract public attraction to the problem of climate change. The climate discussion has been planned and our Geography teacher has planned time carefully to prepare the interesting form of the discussion.
This week our students have had a Climate discussion. We have debated on the topic what we, as people, have to do to reduce the quantity of waste and also find new ways for new energy resources. We have also discussed what we have already done since the last year and we could do at home or in school to reach the goal.
Students in groups have created own plans of activities which could be help us to reach identified by us goals which.
Our school is and international high and secondary school, we believe that our students from different countries and speaking other languages could contribute much in the project. So, posters for our FB page had been created to attract the society’s attention to the Climate problem.
Our students from the 1st grade of our High school has summed up their work over the project. Throughout 5 weeks of the project, our students has had interviews with the scientist and businessmen: Ms. Agnieszka Doroszuk, who is the biologist and the head of company which improves vegetable seeds; and Mr.P.Zygmunt, who is the CEO of the biospekt company. The goal of both interviews was to clarify the necessity and importance of people’s actions in order to decrese the level of negative influences on the planet. Based on interviews, some vital conclusions had been made by students. The eco competition launched with the environmental discussion had taken place in the 4th grades of our secondary school. The discussion and the competition had helped high school students to engage the secondary school pupils into the project and also highlighted the crucial function of the school – collaboration and education through diversity.
The presentation about the pollution had also been made for our primary school students: a high school student has prepared an interesting presentation which had led to nice and friendly discussion about the air and water pollution, and ways to deal with it .
The high school students had also watched the film „We could panic”, directed by Jonathan L. Ramsey, which had evoked the discussion
The video for the 3rd of November had also been done. We are proud that the review committee of the Climate Action project has selected our video.