Invest in and encourage production of sustainable technology
Commercial and residential buildings should aim to achieve zero-emission or zero-waste
Improve waste compaction in landfills with smart technology like stationary
compactors which helps free up space for other constructive uses. It comes in varying capacities and configurations for handling different volumes of trash
• Increase forest cover, restore sea grasses and boost use of agricultural cover crops to reduce the amount of CO2 in atmosphere.
Global Warming and Climate Change
Human activities have made global warming and climate change a global threat. The rising levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases have caused an increase in average global temperatures, extreme weather events, rising sea levels and other negative changes. These changes are directly and indirectly affecting all life forms. Pollution of air, land and water through excessive deforestation, industrialization and overfilling landfills which emits CO2 and adds to greenhouse gas emissions are all topmost causes of these environmental issues. Here are some effective solutions to many problems
Awareness and adaption are two key steps towards conserving this boon called environment. Each one of us can and should do their bit to curb the effects of these environmental issues and ensure that our future generations have a healthy planet to live.