New Jersey Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Lauren Velez 2020/Oct/14
Thompson Middle School
North America USA

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Week 2: Alone in this journey for the time being
Week 2

Placed by Carmen Clay 2020/Oct/11
North America USA

Climate Change and Monarch Butterflies by Maya Jedrzejewski
Week 2

Placed by Michael Dunlea 2020/Oct/9
Tabernacle Elementary
North America USA

URL to Document

Climate Change Effects - Week 2
Week 2

Placed by Brenda Sanchez 2020/Oct/9
Claypool Elementary School
North America USA

URL to Document

New Jersey Week 2
Week 2

Placed by Lauren Velez 2020/Oct/7
Thompson Middle School
North America USA

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Introductory video
Week 1

Placed by Sara Holm 2020/Oct/6
Lake Tahoe School
North America USA

What is Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Melisa Hayes Mrs. Hayes' family of 2nd graders 2020/Oct/6
Hilliard Online Academy
North America USA

URL to Document

Week 1: Weather, Climate, Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Carmen Clay 2020/Oct/4
North America USA
