Bilal Şahin
In this climate action project, the awareness of climate change and global warming issues have been discussed. The participants are 25 students of Yazlamazlı Primary School, 4th graders. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of climate which is the most significant phenomenon for mankind. For the first week, the required terminology for project such as TAG, CAP, Global warming, climate crisis... were introduced to students on smart board via ppt and videos on CAP. Then 10 minutes were given to students for brainstorming. Afterwards, the potential climate change causes were identified and written to white board. In this process the mind mapping technique was used. Here are findings of potential causes of climate change
Every kind of pollution (air, water, land, voice)
THE WARS (the most dangerous one)
Using nuclear power, stations, bombs etc.
Using diesel vehicles
Throwing batteries to nature
Using plastics and throwing them to nature.
After identifying the causes of climate change via brainstorming technique, 15 minutes were given to students to prepare their own posters. Then a short video giving important messages from small hearts was made in the classroom.
In terms of sustainability, the other colleagues in school, the school administration and the parents were informed about the project and it's importance. Also the authorities of TEMA organization (the most influential in Türkiye) were welcomed to project.