Lets Save
Week 2

Placed by Ramila Ramamurty 2021/Oct/31
Pawar Public School, Dombivali
Asia India


In week 2 How can you build on prior learning to connect to new ideas?How is climate change impacting the local community?How can accessing multiple perspectives provide new direction for action?We focused on these questions.Children had the option of selecting any two places from the regions of India.They found these following results for the cities they had chosen.

•Global warming is one of the biggest problem the world is facing.

•Temperature continues to rise year after year causing sea level rise which could cause major flooding of our town and cities.

•Taking example of city of Kochi of Kerala state, India.

•The climate change was marked by increasing global air and ocean temperature, rising global mean sea level and reductions in snow and ice.

•Sea level rise would result in coastal flooding, contamination of drinking water with sea water, increased impact of storm and risk of coastal erosion

•Sea level rise is a major concern and in future it would become common.

•Kochi would not be able to drain its flood water into the sea once the sea level rises.

•Keeping all this in mind the citizen have to act accordingly to eliminate the global warming.







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Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-09-30Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-04Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-04Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-06Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-11-08Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-09Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-10Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-15Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-17Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-21Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-10Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-17Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty