Effects in Japan + Intergeneration Interviews
Week 2

Placed by Sayuri Hasegawa 2021/Oct/20


Students worked on two activities.

1. Effects of Climate Change in Japan I --based on reliable sources

Students researched the effects of Climate Change in Japan on each of the following four categories--flora (plants), fauna (animals), weather, and human activities/lifestyles.

2. Effects of Climate Change in Japan II --based on intergeneration interviews

Each student interviewed an older generation for witness statements regarding Climate Change.

Each student asked the same three questions plus one additional free question.

1) Do you think Climate Change is a hoax* (h-ou-ks)?  *作り話

2) Why? What is your evidence?

3) What do you think should be done? 

4) Other (free)


Images by Sayuri Hasegawa 2020-10-22Hasegawa
Images by Sayuri Hasegawa 2020-10-22Hasegawa
Images by Sayuri Hasegawa 2021-10-28Hasegawa
Images by Sayuri Hasegawa 2021-10-28Hasegawa
Images by Sayuri Hasegawa 2021-10-28Hasegawa