Efectele schimbărilor climatice
Week 2

Placed by Busuioc-Pojoga Rodica 2021/Oct/10

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Causes, effects and solutions of Climate Change
Week 3

Placed by Maria Chistol 2021/Oct/8

Our Climate -Our Future and the Future is unwritten
Week 2

Placed by Larisa Mirza 2021/Oct/8

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Effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Maria Chistol 2021/Oct/8

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Environmental Essues
Week 3

Placed by Natalia Chiruta 2021/Oct/8

URL to Video on OneDrive
URL to Document

The effects of climate change
Week 2

Placed by Natalia Chiruta 2021/Oct/8

The effects of climate change
Week 2

Placed by Natalia Chiruta 2021/Oct/8

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