Lyceum N.Milescu Spataru Week 2
Week 2

Placed by Larisa Gubina 2021/Oct/11

Are there any other Environmental Issues (pollution, water, biodiversity, etc)?
Week 1

Placed by Angela Ivanov 2021/Oct/11

URL to Video on OneDrive
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Week 2
Week 2

Placed by Ecaterina Timofti 2021/Oct/10
Gimnaziul nr.7
Europe Moldova

URL to Document

Climate Change - Effects
Week 2

Placed by Dorina Pușcașu 2021/Oct/10
TL "Dragoș-Vodă "
Europe Moldova

URL to Document


Effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Adriana Bujag 2021/Oct/10

URL to Document
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Efectele schimbărilor climaterice
Week 2

Placed by Elena Chilbovici 2021/Oct/10
Gimmaziul nr. 102
Europe Moldova

URL to Video on OneDrive
URL to Document

The effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Ala Ciubotaru 2021/Oct/10

URL to Document
