Climate Action-Sensitization
Week 2

Placed by Ramila Ramamurty 2020/Oct/11
Pawar Public School, Dombivali
Asia India


Week 2-Effects of Climate Change



DAY 1-MONDAY (5/10/2020)

Time Duration 1 Hour-All the Grades involved were supposed to attend the session.

  1. Sharing of week 2 plan via presentation. Discussion of week 2 questions and explanation giving examples.
  2. Students were asked to make use of prior learning (Causes of Climate Change) for this week’s findings.
  3. They were supposed to refer the resources to find evidences for their findings.
  4. They could present their work through presentations, video, poster, drawings and write ups.
  5. Launching of PlantED programme. Explanation of how tree planting can be done even during Lockdown.




(Same for all grades)

Time Duration- 45 Min

  1. 15 min. discussion on list of effects of climate change (maximum number of students should participate.
  2. Finalise the list.
  3. Polls were launched to decide the 4 major effects of climate change. (5-6 major effects to be given and 4 to be selected according to the percentage of poll).
  4. Next 15 min. were utilized to finalise the interview questions.5 Questions relevant to the topic were selected.
  5. Last 15 min. Interaction with students to solve their query on PlantED program, uploading… etc.
  6. Before concluding a common question on What is your experience in this 2 week session? (They will have to prepare 1-2 min. speech). Based on this they were selected for interacting with students from other countries.

Note: Separate sessions to be conducted for 3 categories that is Grade 3 and 4 ,5 and 6 And Grade 7-9.



Time Duration: Half an hour for all the grades (Gr.3-9)

  1. Students shared their experiences.
  2. Discussion of Week 3 plan- Preparation for Virtual Interaction with Students of other countries.
  3. Based on the interaction, selection to be done for next week.

After 3 days of interaction, huge responses were received from students end. They started making presentations, You tube videos and many other activities. We realized that students really started getting sensitized and started contributing to the cause. We booked a virtual interaction with the school from Brazil. Students are already excited. Hoping to have a wonderful interacting session.

Sharing the URL link of a video made by our Student of Grade 8-Master Raghuram Vedantam -







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Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-09-30Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-04Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-04Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-06Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-11-08Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-09Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-10Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-15Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-17Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-21Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-10Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-17Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty