Climate Action Project Week 5 in Primary school Hinka Juhna Podgorač, Croatia
Week 5
Placed by Patricija Hercog 2020/Nov/5
This week we had some live interactions with other schools. We had twoo videocalls with 4th grade of Primary school "Laza Kostić" Gakovo, Serbia and their teacher Ljiljana Mudrinić. We talked about our activities in Climate Change Project during past 5 weeks. Videocalls took place during this week.
During this week we had a videocall with Primary school "August Cesarec" Ivankovo , 8th grade and their teacher Ivana Ljevnaić.
We were in the back yard of our school when we talked with them in front of our young mulbery tree. We talked about activities that we both did during past 5 weeks in our Climate Action Project.