Climate Action-Local to Global
Week 3

Placed by Ramila Ramamurty 2020/Oct/18
Pawar Public School, Dombivali
Asia India


Climate Action Project- Week 3

Topic: Climate Action: Local to Global

Questions for the week:

- How can I build on prior learning to connect to new ideas?

- What are the effects of climate change on our planet?

- How can data be used to predict the future impact of climate change?

Note: Some sources of data and information on possible future effects of climate change:● IPCC - Global Warming of 1.5 degree C● Long Term Effects of Climate Change● NASA: Why Global Temperatures Matter

2. What’s at stake if we don’t act? Review this WWF resource and information on the Paris Agreement

  • Consider the effects on plants, animals, weather patterns, and human activity you identified in Week 2. Begin to consider specific actions that could help prevent further problems and effects in those four areas.



Agenda based on the lesson plan for Week-3.

Day-1-Monday (12.10.2020)-Discussion of week 3 questions and preparation for Virtual interactions with other schools within the country and abroad.

Separate sessions were arranged for 3 separate categories-

  1. Grade 3 and 4
  2. Grade 5 and 6
  3. Grade 7,8 and 9

Day 2-Tuesday (13.10.2020)- Session for only Grade 3 and 4 for a finalising the flow of the first international virtual interaction between our school (PPSD) and Brazilian school after finalising the session with Mrs.Milena Bartizar and her students of Grade 1 and 2.

Day 3-Wednesday (14,10.2020)-First CAP Collaboration with Brazil.

Day 4-Thursday (15.10.2020)- Preparation for the virtual interactions for Grade 5-9.

Day 5-Saturday (16.10.2020)- CAP Collaboration with Turkey for Grade 7-9 and with Indian School (Sanjeevani International School) for Grade 5 and 6.


Overall, all the sessions were very fruitful. Students discussed about the causes, effects and possible solutions for Climate Change. They even discussed about the possible actions that can be taken for bringing a change. They got an international platform to put forth their views. We could see the spark to make a difference. Few links for the videos made by students are given below:

WEEK 3 Video links Grade 3 and 4

1.Aditya Pund

Video link


2.Darsh Jadhav

3.Nidhi Nikamb

4. Nishna Sawant

5. Rohan Kumbhare

6. Sejal Subodh Srivastava


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Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-09-30Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-04Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-04Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-06Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-11-08Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-09Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-10Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-15Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-17Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2020-10-21Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-10Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-17Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty
Images by Ramila Ramamurty 2021-10-31Ramamurty