What we can do to change?
Week 4

Placed by Thais Santos 2020/Oct/15
Colégio Positivo Master
South America Brazil


Iniciar o vídeo dizendo que aprendemos muito sobre o que está acontecendo com o nosso planeta. But now it’s time for action. Everybody needs to do their own part for the sake of our Earth.

-O plástico é um material que não estraga facilmente. Ele demora para degradar, ou seja, você joga ele na natureza e ele fica lá por muito tempo. Ms. Nazário told us this week that there are a lot of animals that are suffering, and one of them is the little turtles. A plastic bag(imagem) that we see in the supermarkets end up on the sea. It looks like a jellyfish (imagem). Elas são parecidas, não são? The turtles loooove jellyfish, they are their favorite meal. Would you eat a plastic bag? And about the turtles? Yes, kids, this is not good for them.

-But, people all over the world are starting to change and we can do the same. Instead of using plastic bags in the supermarket, how about we use only one made of fabric. The less we use plastic bags, the less is left for the turtles to eat. E você sabia que você pode comprar canudos reutilizáveis? Yes, plastic straws are bad too (imagem). There are some companies in the world that are very worried with our environment. They are producing paper or metal straw (mostrar imagens)

-See, kids, it’s simple and it helps the planet. So let’s start to make a change! Bye bye

URL to Video on OneDrive


Images by Thais Santos 2020-10-01Santos
Images by Thais Santos 2020-10-01Santos