What are potential solutions for climate change and/or specific environmental issues?
Week 4

Placed by Betül Pehlivanlı 2020/Nov/2


Some of the most promising ways to mitigate climate change are what we call “natural climate solutions”: the conservation, restoration, and improved management of land, in order to increase carbon storage or avoid greenhouse-gas emissions in landscapes worldwide. Reforestation is another important natural solution

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Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2020-11-02Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2020-10-06Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2020-11-02Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2020-11-02Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2020-11-02Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2021-10-31Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2021-10-11Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2021-10-11Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2021-10-18Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2021-10-31Pehlivanlı
Images by Betül Pehlivanlı 2021-10-31Pehlivanlı