What are causes and effects globally?
Week 3

Placed by Ludmila Cojocari 2020/Oct/14
Gaudeamus High- School
Europe Moldova


An online event took place between 4 schools from Moldova and Romania. Students expressed their opinions on the causes and effects of climate change.


Images by Ludmila Cojocari 2020-10-10Cojocari
Images by Ludmila Cojocari 2020-10-10Cojocari
Images by Ludmila Cojocari 2020-10-14Cojocari
Images by Ludmila Cojocari 2020-10-23Cojocari
Images by Ludmila Cojocari 2020-10-30Cojocari
Images by Ludmila Cojocari 2020-11-02Cojocari