The Whale Pump
Week 4

Placed by Seema Samuel 2021/Oct/23


Protect the oceans. Oceans also absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to keep our climate stable. But many are overfished, used for oil and gas drilling, or threatened by deep sea mining. Protecting oceans and the life in them is ultimately a way to protect ourselves from climate change.

The Whale pump

The world's largest animals are unusually good at taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

Whales are not only valuable in death. The tides of excrement that these mammals produce are also surprisingly relevant to the climate

The beauty of restoring whale populations is that there is plenty of space in the ocean – space once filled with whales

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Images by Seema Samuel 2021-11-10Samuel
Images by Seema Samuel 2021-10-30Samuel
Images by Seema Samuel 2021-10-15Samuel
Images by Seema Samuel 2021-10-30Samuel
Images by Seema Samuel 2021-10-30Samuel
Images by Seema Samuel 2021-10-30Samuel