week2- Climate Action planting trees
Week 2

Placed by Iuliana Radulescu 2020/Oct/17
Europe Moldova


In second week  Excelsis students discoverit the effects of climate changes. They understood how important human actions are, they can favor or disfavor enviroment. So the students decided to act to make the world better place by planting trees. Also during this week, students found out what kind of climate problems are in other country, from other continent.


Images by Iuliana Radulescu 2020-10-03Radulescu
Images by Iuliana Radulescu 2020-10-17Radulescu
Images by Iuliana Radulescu 2020-10-22Radulescu
Images by Iuliana Radulescu 2020-10-22Radulescu
Images by Iuliana Radulescu 2020-10-22Radulescu