Projects of Week 4

Week 4 - Solutions for climate change and environmental issues
Week 4

Placed by Irina Nicoleta Șarapatin 2021/Nov/6


This has been a full week for us, as we have put into practice some of the solutions we found for the environmental issues in our area. Our students were amazing in their work, and teachers did a great job guiding each and every one of them. We hope you enjoy our video that we posted on our Padlet for the project.

URL to Document


Images by Irina Nicoleta Șarapatin 2021-11-24Șarapatin
Images by Irina Nicoleta Șarapatin 2021-11-02Șarapatin
Images by Irina Nicoleta Șarapatin 2021-11-06Șarapatin
Images by Irina Nicoleta Șarapatin 2021-11-06Șarapatin
Images by Irina Nicoleta Șarapatin 2021-11-06Șarapatin
Images by Irina Nicoleta Șarapatin 2021-11-24Șarapatin