Projects of Week 3

Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Warren Sparrow 2019/Oct/15
St Nicholas' School
Europe UK


Another great week and this week we have looked at possible solutions!

Many of the girls are also in eco club and they have told us about the things that they as a school are doing for Climate Action. things like making eco bricks, planting a garden and although it is small, they are using the plants and herbs in the kitchen.  We have continued with our tree planting and now have come up with the tree that needs to be planted and we are going to plant 2 different trees.  Our soil is very bad and we have had one of our dad's come in and give us advice.  We have finished our PowerPoint slides and most of the girls have done a 30 second clip about the topic they feel most strongly about.  The girls have been responsible for all their own PowerPoints, video taking and editing.  Very impressed!

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Eco Club
Skype with Dubai
Skype with Poland
Planting our tree