Projects of Week 2

Week 2 Heritage Int'l School - Tatiana Popa
Week 2

Placed by Tatiana Popa 2020/Oct/12


We discussed the effects of climate change this week. Students did research and found some amazing information. They did interviews with their relatives from various corners of the world and we could watch and listen to plaudible explanations of the effects. Really Impressive work! Finally, we all planted an oak tree in the school courtyard, to remind us of our Climate Action Project participation and how we wanted to have an impact on our planet. 

URL to Document


Images by Tatiana Popa 2021-11-11Popa
Images by Tatiana Popa 2021-11-11Popa
Images by Tatiana Popa 2021-11-11Popa
Images by Tatiana Popa 2021-11-11Popa