Projects of Week 1

Week 1 - CAP, CTIA , Romania
Week 1

Placed by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021/Oct/3
Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentara Suceava
Europe Romania


Hello! I chose to teach about this topic to a 9th grade class where students prepare to become future environment experts. They are excited to take part in this international project, especially because they have the chance to learn about topics of interest for their domain of study (Environment Protection) and because I let them know that they would have the opportunity of getting in touch with students all over the world.

Students learnt about the project from the handouts and power point presentation I prepared for them after I read the provided information on the site. I have to mention that we meet only 2 hours a week during my classes and I can afford to have this "break" only after I finish teaching the established lessons by the official curriculum. Therefore, not enough time as we would like to be involved in it. Most of the study is done at home, after I supply my students the necessary materials for study, or after classes during extracurricular activities I organize for them.

students understood the difference between weather and climate and came up with exaples and answers for the required questions for this firs week of the project.

I have to admit that we got so much absorbed into discussion that I completly forgot to record their reply, but I promise not to skip this task for the weeks to come.

Looking forward to studying for the future weeks!


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Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-10-17Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-10-17Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc