Weather vs Climate and the CAUSES of climate change
Week 1

Placed by Amy Bivin 2021/Oct/10
Istituto Marymount
Europe Italy


For the last 2 weeks we have studied the difference between climate and weather. We checked reliable sources for information to discover the causes of climate change. As a class we concluded that the meaning of climate change is: a change in the usual patterns of climate in specific places. 
We worked in groups to make posters and created a box for the classroom to put all our research in. We thought pollution, wasting water and electricity and not recycling were the biggest causes of climate change. We were surprised to learn that eating meat and overfishing are even bigger causes. 


Researching info for Climate Change presentation
Save the Earth Together: What is happening in Italy?
Save The Earth Together-What Can We Do?
Week 2 Climate Change Effects
Week 1 What is Climate Change and What Causes It?
Week 4 exchange ideas via Skype India and Tunisia
Week 3 Solutions
Week 3 Solutions
Images by Amy Bivin 2020-10-08Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2020-10-08Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2020-10-20Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin