We... task 2
Week 2

Placed by Ana Pertet 2021/Oct/18


We talked about the importance of plants on planet Earth. We learned what tools we need to plant trees. We decided to plant corn and wheat in the room. We learned through the steam method. We guessed what would grow first: wheat or corn. We assumed that the plants would thrive better if they had sunlight or if they were in the dark, if they were watered or without water, do they need care? We prepared the necessary material and planted it. We nurtured the plants and after a few weeks they started to grow. We were all happy. We agreed that with the help of our parents we would plant a tree in our yard or in the yard with our grandparents.

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Images by Ana Pertet 2021-11-02Pertet
Images by Ana Pertet 2021-11-02Pertet
Images by Ana Pertet 2021-10-28Pertet
Images by Ana Pertet 2021-11-02Pertet
Images by Ana Pertet 2021-11-02Pertet