water pollution
Week 3

Placed by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2020/Oct/22
Kampüs Kolej
Asia Turkey


We observed that some pollution was not water, even if we tried to pollute the water polluting substances and especially clean them. We imagined a polluted sea. we cleared the sea. but we couldn't clean the oil somehow. That's why we talked about the need to be careful about not mixing oil wastes with water.

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Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2020-11-08Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2020-10-11Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2020-10-22Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2020-10-27Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2020-11-08Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2021-10-24Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2021-10-24Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2021-10-24Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2021-10-11Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2021-10-29Aydogan Gezer
Images by Ayse Aydogan Gezer 2021-10-29Aydogan Gezer