Mrs Burcu ŞIK has been working at her school since 2014. She shows superior effort and success with her work in every field of education and every aspect of human life. In 2016, she started participating and collaborating in the eTwinning projects with some partners coming from the 27 European Countries and 8 eTwinning Plus Countries (Armenia, Libano, Giordania, Tunisia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ucraina). Her collaboration opened the doors of our school to the international dimension in education and made our school internationally recognized. With the project about Healthy Nutrition, our school became a healthy nutrition school and made exemplary studies for the surrounding schools. Thanks to Mrs Burcu ŞIK, the Sakarya … got the great achievement of eTwinning School in 2019 for the year 2019-2020.
She won 5 international Quality Labels and 5 European Labels awards with her eTwinning projects based on environment, health and astronomy. A special contribution has to be seen in her involving girls in STEM and VEX-girls programs to give them a chance to express their engaging capacities in robot training. She introduced the girls to STEM subjects, learn about simple machines, how to program in C code, build confidence in STEM activities and finally create a safe space where girls can come together to learn and be supported with industry knowledge. Her students received first, second, third and special awards in many national science competitions. She has been awarded successfully 3 times in a row. She was sent to Ukraine for the seminar on 'History and Culture Etwinning Contact Seminar' of the Ministry of Education There, she attended many workshops, conferences and seminars. As consequence, all her experiences are devoted to her students, in particular, and to train University students and teachers (see Sakarya University). Lately, on 3rd March 2021, she presented the report of the eTwinning project "Get ready and go green" about recycling and climate change at the UPUES International Symposium . In 2021, 17 partnered eTwinning projects achieved great success with the Astrolabe project. In 2021, 17 partnered eTwinning projects achieved great success with the Astrolabe project. He contacted Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano on March 26, 2021. Famous astronaut and students met in an online meeting. The students asked the astronaut questions about space. There were wonderful moments with mutual conversation. International interaction and education took place together. This study took place with big headlines in the press.To complete our description, it is worthwhile to mention her studying for a Master degree in science teacher to perfectionate her profession. During the pandemic period, she continued (and continues) to work with her students by showing great efforts and passion, abilities and skills, knowledge and culture. She is happily married and has got two sons.