Urban Tree Canopy Study.
Week 2

Placed by Claudette Phillips 2020/Oct/15
Nepean High School
North America Canada


A study of the urban tree canopy in our school neighbourhood.  

The school is located in an older established neighbourhood with lots of old trees. 

1.Students recorded information on the number, type and size of trees on different house lots within a two block radius of the school. 

2. Using a measuring tape and clinometer, they measure the height and DBH of trees in a linear park in the neighbourhood, and then attempted to calculate the basic amount of carbon stored in one of their sample measurements. 

3. We then moved to one of the streets in our neighbourhood that has recently undergone a transformation with lots of infill housing replacing the older homes, and considered the streetscape with larger houses on lots and the different type of landscaping and space for trees.


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