Understand the Causes and effects of climate change in the world
Week 3

Placed by Fernanda Moreira 2020/Oct/18
Escola Básica e Secundária de Pinheiro
Europe Portugal


This week we were sharing with other countries in the world, namely, Moldova and India. We talk about the causes and effects of climate change in each of the countries and the actions that we can take to minimize losses. In addition, we selected the two countries with whom we made a video call and observed the causes (see the Definitive List of Causes of Climate Change) and then the effects (Global Map of the Effects of Climate Change) in the same areas, in the past, in the present and in the future. It was a wonderful week in terms of learning.

URL to Video on OneDrive


Images by Fernanda Moreira 2020-11-01Moreira
Images by Fernanda Moreira 2020-11-01Moreira
Images by Fernanda Moreira 2020-11-01Moreira
Images by Fernanda Moreira 2020-11-01Moreira
Images by Fernanda Moreira 2020-11-08Moreira