Small steps .... Giant leap
Week 5

Placed by Suchitra Metar 2020/Nov/1
Navrachana School
Asia India


The students explored ways and means to reduce the effects of the climate change . They showed how small measures taken can culminate into bigger difference . They are concerned as they have only one home ...the Earth. They have left their classes and seeked awareness so that all of us can have a prolonged stay here .

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Images by Suchitra Metar 2020-10-09Metar
Images by Suchitra Metar 2020-10-11Metar
Images by Suchitra Metar 2020-10-29Metar
Images by Suchitra Metar 2020-11-05Metar
Images by Suchitra Metar 2020-11-05Metar