Romania joining :Climate Action Project week 4
Week 4

Placed by Irma Kiss 2020/Oct/24


This week, our group had the task of watching videos from different schools, uploaded on the project site and we discussed them in class. We also made contact with a lovely teacher, Roweida Bawab from Lebanon, with whom we had a meeting on Zoom and exchanged ideas and solutions connected to climate actions leading to change in our countries and worldwide. She seems to be a lovely, enthusiastic teacher and my students liked her and her class a lot.

This week and the past week gave us the opportunity to meet new people from far away places and see that we have things in common and we share the same beliefs in environmental issues, regardless of where we live.!Ar9SYHGHw_8RcXFJqfxrC9XuhhA?e=suMncX

URL to Video on OneDrive


Images by Irma Kiss 2020-10-18Kiss
Images by Irma Kiss 2020-10-18Kiss
Images by Irma Kiss 2020-10-18Kiss
Images by Irma Kiss 2020-10-24Kiss
Images by Irma Kiss 2020-10-31Kiss