Reflecting at causes and effects of climate change
Week 3

Placed by Raluca Leotescu 2020/Oct/30
National Colege Ion Luca Caragiale
Europe Romania


.During the third week, we analyzed the causes and effects of climate change globally

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Images by Raluca Leotescu 2020-11-04Leotescu
Images by Raluca Leotescu 2020-11-04Leotescu
Images by Raluca Leotescu 2020-10-30Leotescu
Images by Raluca Leotescu 2020-11-04Leotescu
Images by Raluca Leotescu 2020-10-30Leotescu
Images by Raluca Leotescu 2020-11-04Leotescu
Images by Raluca Leotescu 2021-11-14Leotescu
Images by Raluca Leotescu 2021-11-14Leotescu