Preschool Institution ''Bosko Buha'' , Indjija, Serbia - Week 4
Week 4

Placed by Dragana Miljus 2019/Oct/26
PU "Bosko Buha"
Europe Serbia


Week 4 - it's time for action! In our object, seven groups Planted seven trees - liriodendron tulipifera. We had a donation, and Planted trees in cooperation with organisation of young people from our town called "Inđijativa". First, we were reading a story "The giving tree", an we were dancing to a song about planet Earth. Then, children made wishes for our tree, and we went outside to plant. Feeling was perfect, children were so happy, and when we planted our tree, they posted their wishes - to have a lots of sun, and rain, to grow big and strong, and to be healthy. They also wanted to give our tree a lots of love! They were hugging and nurturing the tree, and they said that when it grows up we will be sitting underneath and enjoying fresh air :) So, every day we go outside and water our tree, giving it all the love it needs! In next period we are expecting more seedlings from our recycling action :) It was such a pleasure being a part of this project! 

URL to Video on OneDrive


Week 3
Preschool Institution ''Bosko Buha'' , Indjija, Serbia - Week 4