Preschool Institution ''Bosko Buha'' , Indjija, Serbia - Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Dragana Miljus 2019/Oct/20
PU "Bosko Buha"
Europe Serbia


This week we were talking about ecology, our planet, and how important it is to think about our activities. So we asked our children how can people prevent climate changes? How can we save and Take care of our planet? They were really active brainstorming, so we have got a various of answers and opinions : we must take care of plants, to use cars and motors less, more bikes and walks, we shouldn't throw garbage on the streets-we have different containers for different garbage. So one girl said: Blue is for plastic stuff. She lead us to recycling, and her explanation was that it is when you use something old and put of it you make something New. In further conversation they said that it is important to care, and not to throw garbage into rivers and seas because we must save animal who live there - they are very important to us. Then, one boy said that grown ups shouldn't smoke. Other boy had an idea that we have to plant a lots of trees, as much trees as we can,and that people should not cut the trees. When we are planting trees we are also making a home for some animals. Children also had some answers we didn't expect - if there is no electricity, they said, it is dark. We should spend it carefully. So one girl continued- we can use the energy of water, one boy said - or the wind. Then she remembered windmills. So, after the conversation, we were watching some pictures and we were reading books about ecology where we have found interesting facts. The next step was to make our action plan - the kids decided to: recycle, save el. energy and plant trees. They asked if we can do it, and we were happy to support them. We made a plan together-What do we need if we want to plant a tree? Children were thinking and then made a list : water, ground, sun, rain, spade, seedling and love! We really, really love the way they think. So, we will organizme planting next Week, as soon as we provide everything we need. Next step-they started turning off the lights in our room and bathroom when we don't need it. Then, we made action in the entire object, all groups involved - we invited parents to join us collecting old paper that we are going to exchange for seeds ( flowers and trees) in cooperation with society of environmental engineers. So this action is in process. All of our thoughts, ideas and plans we were drawing, made collages and lists, so we expanded our Project wall. Also, we made poster presentations called "Why trees mater?" and "Save the planet". Two actions of our plan are happening, and we are extremely excited participating this project, and making plans for planting next week. We will send our impressions. 

URL to Video on OneDrive


Week 3
Preschool Institution ''Bosko Buha'' , Indjija, Serbia - Week 4