Preschool Institution ''Bosko Buha'' , Indjija, Serbia - Week 2
Week 2

Placed by Dragana Miljus 2019/Oct/11
PU "Bosko Buha"
Europe Serbia


The effects of climate changes

This week children were very excited watching the map of the world. They were exploring and discussing about the effects of climate changes in different parts of the world. Also, they are very curious about animals and plants that exists in different countries. So, we made a collaboration with our librarian, who has found us wonderful educative books, which we were reading together, and everything we have seen led us to an interesting converasation. Childrens interest in this topic is beyond our expectations. Their answers to a question : What are the effects of climate changes? were also suprisingly interesting: they said that there are tornados, extreme heat, fluds, volcano reactions, ice and snow melting, extreme lightenings... Together, we made a table that shows What are the effects of climate change on flora, fauna, humanity and weather patterns. Teacher was writing, children were brainstorming. Than we discussed about changes in our country, and the world, so we made a sheme that shows What are the effects globally and locally. The next day, we were watching some photos of the world and planet Earth, and compared what it looks like when we take care of our planet and when it comes to change. Children were working in groups, and expressed their findings in drawings. Our Project wall is growing, and they are talking about everything we found out and learned in past two weeks of this Project. Can't wait for the next steps! Thank you for watching! Dragana Miljus 


Week 3
Preschool Institution ''Bosko Buha'' , Indjija, Serbia - Week 4