Plantarea unui pom
Week 2

Placed by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2020/Oct/10
Europe Romania


Am discutat efectele schimbărilor climatice și am pus întrebarea:CE PUTEM FACE NOI?

Am plantat un pom în grădina școlii.I-am dat și nume.

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Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2020-10-01IMRE
Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2020-10-10IMRE
Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2020-10-31IMRE
Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2020-11-03IMRE
Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2021-11-03IMRE
Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2021-11-03IMRE
Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2021-11-03IMRE
Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2021-11-03IMRE
Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2021-11-03IMRE
Images by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2021-11-03IMRE