Planet or Plastic? The Last Straw
Week 4
Placed by Kristine Holloway 2018/Dec/11
We make it, we depend on it, we're filling oceans and killing whales with it! The truth is, plastic is killing our planet.
Plastic shopping bags, drinking straws, Tim Horton's cups, food containers and other single use plastics often have a working life of just 15 minutes. 40 percent of plastic waste is used just once and tossed! And yet, these plastics take thousands of years to biodegrade! In fact, 9 million tons of plastic ends up in the oceans killing millions of marine animals every year. Nearly 700 species are known to be affected by it. Some visibly, strangled by discarded six-pack packaging, and some invisibly, ingesting micro-plastics.
To raise awareness on the devastating impact of single-use plastics students will follow the journey of a plastic bag from a student's school lunch to the belly of a whale.