Our story book
Week 4

Placed by Mehtap KILIÇ 2020/Oct/10


My students wrote a story. And they drew pictures of this story. I made our story into a book.We did volcano experiment with our students.

Our students made feeders for the birds.


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Images by Mehtap KILIÇ 2020-11-15KILIÇ
Images by Mehtap KILIÇ 2020-10-10KILIÇ
Images by Mehtap KILIÇ 2020-10-11KILIÇ
Images by Mehtap KILIÇ 2020-10-11KILIÇ
Images by Maria Magdalena Ravagnan 2020-10-18Ravagnan
Images by Mehtap KILIÇ 2020-11-05KILIÇ