Meeting with our Peers from Brighton School, Pakistan
Week 3

Placed by Adina Achim 2020/Oct/28
Liceul Teoretic ,,Nicolae Bălcecsu"
Europe Romania


Because of many Covid cases, our school switched to e-learning. Therefore, we set up a  virtual class on Microsoft Teams platform, where my Romanian students met their peers from Brighton School , Pakistan. We exchanged ideas regarding the Climate Action Project and also we disscussed about the solutions we had found. The children were very excited to see each other, to get to know each other. Our common conclusion was: even though we were far away, we had the same big ideas about saving our planet.

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Images by Adina Achim 2020-11-03Achim
Images by Adina Achim 2020-11-03Achim
Images by Adina Achim 2020-11-03Achim
Images by Adina Achim 2020-11-03Achim
Images by Adina Achim 2020-11-03Achim
Images by Adina Achim 2020-11-03Achim
Images by Adina Achim 2020-11-07Achim
Images by Adina Achim 2020-11-07Achim