#lettersforthefutureoftheworld write letters to important people with your ideas and solutions
* Change your home's source of energy
* Let's unplug the electrical appliances that we do not use. * Let's protect our forests *Let's walk or ride a bike * Let's use public transport instead of cars. * Let's not throw our garbage on the ground.
*Consider your travel
*Educarea populației în adoptarea obiceiurilor de viață mai bune și mai puțin poluante
*Îmbunătățiți transportul public pentru a reduce utilizarea vehiculului privat.
*Nu folosiți atât de multe substanțe chimice în culturi.
*Reduce, reuse, repair & recycle
*Reducerea, pe cât mai mult posibil a nivelurilor de sulf și azot în emisii de la fabrici, încălzire, vehicule etc. Cu energiile regenerabile și noile tehnologii, acest lucru poate fi redus.
*Reduceți consumul de energie electrică în case.
*Switch to an electric vehicle
-buying used goods or goods made from certified wood of sustainable origin;
. Stimulating industrial-economic studies in favor of reducing the impact on the environment
1. Creating knowledge of the climate crisis
1. Exchange school paper for food. 2. School cleanup. 3. Beach cleanup. 4. Bike parking lot at school. 5. Seeds giveaway.
1. Organic Farming
1. Organic food
1. Prevent Deforestation.
1. Prevent Deforestation. 2. Strict laws for industries who pollute the environment 3. stronger policies for environment conservation.4. educating people 5. planting more tress 6. eco friendly mode of transportation 7. 3Rs
1. Promoting recycling of waste materials
1. Reduce and reuse as much as possible. Factories emit carbon dioxide when making new products. So instead of buying new stuff, fix your appliances and clothes. Good thing holey jeans are back in style!
1. Stop Deforestation
1. Using friendly energies. 2. Use of non-polluting sources. 3. Selective waste collection.
1. Using friendly energies. 2. Use of non-polluting sources. 3. Selective waste collection.
1. Зменшення і сортування сміття
1.- Swap incandenscent light bulbs for fluorescent
1.Making compost mandatory for residential complexes
1.Recycle more
1.Utilizar menos plástico,
2. Creating awareness and sensitizing the people on the effect, causes and contributors to climate change
2. Eat more fruits and etables
2. Reforestation
2. Stop pollution
2. Strict laws for industries who pollute the environment
2. use less coal, gas or oil
2. use less electricity
2.- To turn off all electric devices when we don't need them, like TV's, computers, airconditioners.
2.Reuse plastic bottles for different purposes rather than dumping them
2.save water
2.Send a letter, postcard, or drawing to your mayor, government representative, or even the president asking them to do something about climate change.
3. educating people
3. Launching a
3. Renewable Energy
3. stop burning trees
3. strict laws
3. swap your car for a bicycle
3.- Walk or take a ride instead of using your vehicle.
3.Have air purifiers installed
3.save energy
4. Holding leaders accountable
4. A campaign against indiscriminate refuse dumping
4. promote green ideas
4. Recycle
4. Stop deforestation and plant more trees
4. stop using toxic products
4.- Apply the four R's rules in your house.
4.Stop indiscriminate cutting of mangroves
5 R- Reuse,recycle, refuse,reduce and Rot
5. A policy that mandates manufacturing industries and other related industries to engage in social development projects to ease the impact of climate change in areas/communities where they are operating.
5. buy an eco products
5. plant more trees
5. Reduce wastes generation. 6. Develop proper wastes disposal and management disposal. 7. Teachers should use participatory strategies. 8. Ensure the use of active learning approaches
5. Use less sprays (CFC's)
5. use of solar energy
5.Plant more trees
9 R’s - Reduce, Reuse, Re-think, Refuse, Re-gift, Repair, Rent, Recycle, Rot
9. Replacing cloth bags and plastic bags for shopping instead of plastic ones.
A seed disperser gun to save herbivores from dying of hunger and therefore wolves too.
A special brand of clothing that is good for nature, society and the economy
A special seed disperser gun to save herbivores from dying of hunger and therefore wolves too.
A special seed disperser gun to save herbivores from dying of hunger and therefore wolves too.
A weekly cooking list should be created.
Acknowledge our carbon footprint
adoption of plant based diet
advocacy through poem
advocacy through poem
afforestation, finding new solutions for capturing water from the atmosphere
Afforestation, land cultivation
Afforestation, land cultivation
Ağaç dikmeliyiz
Agricultura organică
Agricultural Practices & Bio Diversity Conservation
Ahorrar el consumo de agua en el regado de las plantas
ahorrar energia
Ahorrar y cuidar el agua dulce desde sus fuentes
Air planes need to use Solar as they have better reach to sunlight especially above the clouds.u
alternative energy
alternative energy
Alternative Energy
Alternative Energy
An app to calculate how much carbon dioxide do trees take in based on their age and type. This will help us to analyse our carboin footprint and then reduce it.
Andar menos de carro
Aplicar la regla de tres R
Applying IoT sensors to create smart agriculture helps farmers monitor temperature, light, humidity levels, crop health, and more—helping them take care of their crops proactively
approaching their expiration date should be evaluated
Art from plastic bottle caps
Artificial intelligence
as many windmills as possible
Aumentar el uso de sistemas solares para el uso residencial
Aumentar la creación de cultivos urbanos para minimizar la contaminación producida por el transporte de alimentos
automatic turn offs
automatic turn offs
Avoid buying small plastic botttles or packages
Avoid cutting of trees
Avoid deforestation and plant more and more trees so the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can be reduced.
avoid deodorants
Avoid fuel vehicles
avoid holidays by plane
Avoid plastic
avoid plastic bags
Avoid plastic consumerism
Avoid pollutions
Avoid products with a lot of packaging
avoid using plastic and opt, for example, for biodegradable packaging and for using household cloth bags when we go shopping
avoid using plastic and opt, for example, for biodegradable packaging and for using household cloth bags when we go shopping
Avoid wastage
avoiding buying products with excessive packaging
award for countries that help in contributing to solve climate change problem
Awareness about climate change
awareness among young generation on climate change
Awareness creation, Innovation & Artific
awarness for the climate
Awerness of keeping of nature
ban GM foods
ban GM foods
ban HFCs
ban plastic
ban poaching
ban poaching
be mindful about using resources that are natural, no vehicle day in school,
be vegan
Be water saver
Become active citizens to ask our goverment to make and enforce laws that promote the transition to clean energies.
bike use
Bilim insanlarını dinlemek
bio fuel
Bioclimatic Architecture
Boil only as much water as you need.
Breeding of ladybugs to kill
Bring a thermos or coffee mug from home to the cafe instead of using disposable cups.
Bring reusable water bottles and food containers to school
Bring your own bags.Instead, buy a cloth bag and take it with you every time you go to the supermarket
build processing plants
building greener schools
Building up a natural awareness of being an Ecosocial creature,by the help of renewable ecosystem.
Buy as much as you need
Buy beauty products (shampoo, soap or makeup) made with natural ingredients, not petroleum derivatives
Buy energy efficient appliances
Buy less.
Buy Local Products
buy things with zero plastic
by proper dumping of waste material
Cada fin de semana podemos pedir a los vecinos cosas para reciclar
campañas publicitarias para crear concienca
car pool
Car pool - use sustainable means of travel
car pooling
Carbon Capture Bio Fuel plant ; Bio Fuels
care of nature
Carpooling and cycling/walking for short distances
Celebration of days focused on climate, the earth and cleaning the school
Change light bulbs to LED lights.
change to a renewable resource of energy
Changing eating habits
Changing Industry
Changing our energy sources to Solar, Wind and Biomass.
check on deforestation
checking cars for PUC
choose solar panels and hybrid
choose solar panels and hybrid
choosing local foods
circular economy
circulația cu biciclete
Clean beaches and public parks
clean energy
clean forests and green areas,
clean public parks
Clean the village, plant the trees, through the rubbish only in special placess
Clean the village, plant the trees, through the rubbish only in special placess
clean up the countryside, use leftovers to cook simple dishes, reuse containers, clothes
Collaboration with Stow Primary School, UK on working towards Climate Action
Collect loose fishing line
collect plastic botle
Collect the plastic and creat clothes and toys. Plastic can be used for decorations.
Collect used cooking oil
Commitement to abolish plastic use
Compartir la locomoción o usar transporte sustentable
Complete the plan and propose the implmentation of solar panels across our school to completely switch over to renewable sources for energy.
Compost food waste
Compost your food waste
Comprar produtos locais ou nacionais
compulsory tree plantation
conserve mangroves
conserve water in our daily tasks such as brushing the teeth, bathing,...
conserving water
Construct more reservoirs (dams)
Construir un invernadero
consum rațional al resurselor
Consume Less
Consume local products
Consuming less and eat smart, become a vegetarian
contain smoke emissions
contain smoke emissions
Control of pesticides and insecticides
Control pollution
Crear puntos verdes y ecológicos
Crear un banco de semillas ancestrales para el futuro
Create a compost, 2. reforestation, 3 use bicycle
Create a compost.
Create a movement to plant more trees
create awareness
Create awareness of deforestation
Create ecological habits in the students by making simple actions that benefits their planet such as using the 3 R's, making vegetables gardens,etc.
create green spaces
Create more green areas around our school grounds
create rubber bike rack in school to encourage students to ride a bike in coming to school
Creating a new curriculum,based on Sociology of Environment and Pscyhology of Environment
Creating global competitions for the most eco-friendly countries
creating knowledge of climate crisis
Creating manure at home from wet waste
creating solar system
Creating unified shared curriculums that learned by students all over the world
cumpararea de produse second hand
cut co2 emmisions
Cut down carbon footprint, Use all sort of alternative source of energy
decompose food waste to prepare manure for plants
decrease our carbon footprint
design and develop sustainable cities
development of green energy
dietary choice
different colored trashed cans everywhere to help separate the types of trash
diminuir o consumo de peixe e carne
diminuir o uso do carro
Diseña y construye un sistema de riego por goteo solar
Diseña y construye un sistema de riego por gotero solar
Disminuir uso de electrodomésticos
do it now!
Do not cut forests
do not cut trees
Do not print a lot of documents
do not waste food
Do not waste water
Don't burn garbage
don't buy disposable snack packs
don't buy or use plastic
Don't cut Trees
don't drop litter
Don't put fire on Trees
Don't spend the money on buying a new one and repair the old one.
Don't take long baths
Don't throw grabage on the floor
Don't throw the boxes of milk or the water bottles to the floor
Don't throw the cooking oil into the pipes
don't waste energy
Don't waste food
don't waste water, electricity or food
dont waste water and electricity
don’t leave your car idling
don’t smoke
drive less
Drive less and cycle more or pool to car while going to work.
driving electrical or hybrid cars
eat a vegan diet
Eat a vegan diet.
eat less meat
eat less meat and dairy
Eat loca
eat more fruits, vegetables and less meat
eat organic
eat seasonal fruit (walnuts, pomegranates, persimmons) and consume regional products
eat seasonal fruit (walnuts, pomegranates, persimmons) and consume regional products
eating less meat
Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and less meat and dairy, can significantly lower your environmental impact.
eco-friendly bottles filling
ecological activity
ecological activity
economisirea apei
Educación ambiental para todos los seres humanos en este planeta
Educate Adults and children
Educate and spread awareness, especially among farmers and people who are less educated
educate people
Educate people..educate kids
educate young students about protecting the environment
educating more people
Educating youth and adults on issues related to the climate crisis, pollution of water and land
education about the climate changing
Education for Sustainable Development
Éduquer et sensibiliser les nouvelles générations
electrci transport
electric shower
electric shower
Electronic recycle
eletric cars
Eliminarea plasticului
eliminate fossil fuels
Eliminating the burning of coal, oil and, eventually, natural gas.
Emplear alternativas de transporte más saludables
Encourage organic farming
encourage small farmers to organic production
energi eficieny
Enforcement of Laws
Ensure proper disposal of waste and waste products
Environmental greening, green energy, tree planting, selective collection, economical public lighting system, DACIA electric cars made in Romania, construction of green parks, electric buses
Everyday lifestyle solutions
evitar incendios
Evitar o uso do plástico
Expand recycling programs
fabric supermarket bag
family reducing waste, 1. Using friendly energies. 2. Use of non-polluting sources. 3. Selective waste collection.
fazer reciclagem
fighting poverty
Films based on
Filtration of gases from factories
Find alternative sources for paper
Find and apply renewable energy sources
Find and apply renewable energy sources
finding alternative energy
Finding alternative energy sources, less car use, energy saving, planting and plant protection and returning to nature.
fining industrial plants which pollute heavily, using energy from solar panels and windmills
fly less
folosirea mijloacelor de transport in comun
Forget about disposable products. Disposable products like, straws, cutlery or plastic plates, as their name suggests, are not reused and encourage the production of new products
garbage sorting
Gereksiz alışverişlerden kaçınmak
Geri dönüşüme önem vermeliyiz.
Getting into the habit of planting
getting motivation with sudents leaders
Getting solar installed on your home
Gifting plants,
global cooperation
global warming harms and learning by doing
Go Digital and less paper
Go Green
Go vegan
governments should forbid products that emit greenhouse gases into the atmospher
Green business
Green Diwali
Green menstruation- using menstrual cup instead of sanitary pad
Green space in cities areas
Green space in cities areas
Grow more trees and plants
Grow more trees and use less fossils fuel
Grow more trees and use less fossils fuel
Grow more trees and use less fossils fuel
Grow your own vegetable garden or pick it directly from a farm to reduce the amount of transport being used.
growing sustainable food
Gymnasium Action
Habilitar mas ciclovías y proteger a la población transeúnte
hacer composta, huerto horizontal quienes tengamos espacio, quienes no cuidar y nutrir árboles en la comunidad. Al regresar a la escuela de manera presencial, cuidaemos y reforestaremos nuestras áreas verdes. Cuando podamos salir sembraremos árboles.
Hacer un huerto en casa
Halt deforestation and commit to rebuilding damaged
Handing out penalties against countries marked the highest in producing and spreading pollution.
have a more ecological buildings
Have short showers
have your own vegetable and fruit garden
Have your own vegetable garden
having less children
he world’s roads are clogged with vehicles, most of them burning diesel or petrol. Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions
high chimneys
High tech sieve makes ocean water drinkable
hydroponic gardens at home
Hydroponics for feeding of animals in drought stricken areas
Îmbrățișarea de copaci pentru a transmite energie Pământului
Immersion of plaster of paris idols in only artificial lakes
Improved building and infrastructure
Increase afforestation
increase forest cover
Increase Green cover by growing plants .
Increase public awareness of climate change, causes, effects and solutions
increase the green cities
influencing government
Informing others of climate change
Infrastructure Upgrade
Initiative by governments
install a water filter
install particle and gas retention systems, such as filters in factory chimneys;
install particle and gas retention systems, such as filters in factory chimneys;
Instead of using non renewable energy, we should use solar panels or wind energy.
Interzicerea taierilor de păduri!
invest in renewable energies
Invest in renewable energy Switch to sustainable transport
Investigar y diseñar filtros para los autos
Investir dans les réseaux de transports en commun
Investir dans une économie circulaire
it causes global warming which leads to negative impact on us humans and animals
Just buy what you are going to consume
keep fossil fuels in the ground
keep nature clean
keep the environment clean
keep the floor clean
Launch Awareness Campaigns
learning about sustainability
less deforestation
less fossile energies
less use of cars
Less use of paper
Less use of plastic bags
less vehicles
Lessen use of energy from fossil fuels
Let clothes dry naturally
let's make an eco-friendly car
let's make an eco-friendly car
Let's use electric cars instead of petrol cars.
limit car use
limit car use
Limit carbon emissions and other gasses that are climate pollutants
limit paper use
limit paper use
Limpieza de playas y cerros
local consumption
make better laws
make bird feeders for birds
Make borrowed bikes available for students
Make compost from Kitchen waste
make electric cars esier to buy.
Make new things from old ones
Making ecobricks
Making various years of Saw Dust to replace single use plastic like pens,markers etc.
manage refrigeration chemicals
Manage waste and actively promote recycling.
mașini cu panouri solare pe capotă
Masini eco.
metal straw
minimalistic wardrobe
minimize the use of fossil fuels
moderar el uso de coches
more bike
more controls on fires
more meatless meals
More riding a bike
more sustainable transportation
Motivate educational institutions in projects for the proper care and use of the planet
Motivation of economic agents to use greener methods of production and distribution of goods
Move Closer to Work
moved from cars to environmentally safe transport - to bicycles
Não usar combustíveis fósseis
Never throw away the food. If you have plenty of food, use it to prepare another dish
New foods should be purchased after existing foods are evaluated.
New model of energy dependence in societies
No bursting diwali crackers
No crackers in India for Diwali
no overusing
No quemar basura
no single use of plastic
No utilizar transporte publico a lugares cercanos
Not to burn leaves, trash
Not wasting leftover water, use it water plants
Nu aruncam rezituri in apa
opt for renewable energy sources
Organic farming
Organic farming practices,
Organic Farming, Avoid plastic
Organizing a series of interhouse activities themed with various aspects of climate change that are lesser known.
Organizing the education of Climate Literacy
palnting trees
Panel discussion on Climate Change with British Council and Climate crusaders
paper straw
Picking up trash from streets, oceans, forests.
plant a tree five trees can absorb up to 1 ton of CO2 throughout their life, releasing an amount of oxygen
plant medicinal herbs such as aloevera, lucky bamboo, holy basil
plant more seeds and trees everywhere
Plant more trees
plant native trees
plant saplings
plant trees
Plant trees.
Planta un árbol considerando las características de la zona y los cuidados necesario
Plantar árboles
Plantar mas aboles
plantarea copacilor
Plantarea de arbori
plantation drive
Plantation of more and more trees and awareness to save them
plantin more
plantin more
Planting a Tree
planting flowers which attract bees
planting indigenous trees
Planting of saplings
Planting of trees and cleaning of the environment
planting trees
planting trees, Increase afforestation
plugs out of the socket when not in use
poner paneles solares
Population Control
poupar na água dos banhos
Power homes with renewable energy.
Power your home with renewable resources
Preference to renewable energy
Preservation of habitats and biomes
Pressionar as autoridades locais para a construção de ciclovias.
Prevent Cutting of Trees
prevent wilfires
Print on both sides.
produce less trash
Producing plant-based foods generally results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions and requires less energy, land, and water.
Promote biocleansers
Promote efforts to eradicate pollution
Promoting a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
Promoting activities aimed at restoring the global ecology, for example volunteering.
promoting eco friendly technology
Promoting recycling of waste materials
Promover hogares sustentables
Proper filtering systems on factories to curb CO2 emissions
Proper solid waste management
proper waste disposal
Proper waste management
Proposed solutions - use of bicycle, public transport, reducing water and electricity waste, reforestation, recycling, reuse of clothes, moderation in the purchase of things, use of electric cars, organic farming, use of biodegradable packaging.
protect and restore key ecosystems
protect ecosystems
Protect Endangered Species
protect the animals
protect the forests
Providing factories and plants with filters for water and used gas.
providing international care and protection to rainforests to keep the lungs of earth healthy
public transport
put solar panels even on the roofs of the school
put solar panels even on the roofs of the school
Put the trash in the garbage
Putting An End To Consumerism
raise awareness
raise awareness among the population through environmental education
raise awareness among the population through environmental education
raise awareness on the topic
raise people's awareness of climate change
Razvijanje ekološke osjetljivosti kod djece
re-use plastic bags or carry cloth bags to gr
Reciclagem de materiais
recicland, economisind apa, energia; plantand flori, copaci.
Reciclar en casa
reciclarea selectiva a deseurilor
Reclice the trash
recycle and reuse clothes
recycle and reuse goods
Recycle materials
Recycle materials at home
Recycle more
recycle packagings
Recycle paper
recycle paper
Recycle the plastics
Recycle things and dont waste the scrap
Recycle things and dont waste the scrap
recycle waste
recycle water
recycle water
Recycle, be responsable,
Recycling and waste management
Recycling of metal, wastes, glass, paper, batery.
Recycling of products
Recycling, reducing and reusing
reduce air pollution by using public transportation more
Reduce carbon emmission
reduce carbon footprint
Reduce CFC's and CO2 emissions
reduce consumption
reduce consumption of paper
Reduce de amount of sulfur dioxide released
Reduce emissions of Greenhouse Gasses
Reduce energy consumption,
Reduce food loss and waste and shift to more sustainable diets
reduce food waste
Reduce Fossil Fuels
Reduce meat consumption
Reduce our own carbon footprints.
reduce overconsumption
reduce ozone layer depletion
reduce plastic
reduce plastic products
reduce plastic use
reduce plastics
reduce pollution
Reduce Reuse recycle
reduce single-used plastics
reduce the consumption of meat and milk (livestock is responsible for a large part of GHG emissions)
reduce the consumption of meat and milk (livestock is responsible for a large part of GHG emissions)
reduce the harmful greenhouse gases of HFCs
Reduce the number of companies that pollute.
reduce the use of cars;
reduce the use of plastic bags
reduce use of cars
Reduce use of paper, move towards a paperless society.
reduce using plastic
reduce waste
Reduce waste food
Reduce waste food
reduce wasting water
reduce water waste
Reduce, reuse & recycle
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle waste
Reduce, Reuse, Manage waste and actively promote recycling.
Reduce, reuse, reccycle
Reduce,Reuse and Recycle
reduce. reuse and recycle
reduced food waste
reduced pesticide
Reducerea volumului de deșeuri! plastice!
reduces the harmful greenhouse gases of HFCs
Reducing Carbon footprint by changing day to day activities
Reducing consumption of fuel and diesal
reducing energy consumption
Reducing fossil fuel use
Reducing fossil fuel use, Renewable energ, Electric Transport,Improved building and infrastructure, Reinventing our economy to a circular economy, Remove CO2 from the atmosphere
reducing fossil fuels
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, decreasing carbon footprint, planting more trees, using renewable sources of energy for generation of electricity, creating awareness about the need to act immediately.
reducing pollution
Reducing the amount of paper used in schools by doing tests and worksheets in the computer
Reducing the use of Fossil Fuels
Reducing the use of lights during daytime and conserve electricity by keeping doors and windows opened and use natural light.
Reducir el consumo excesivo, tomando una decisión responsable en el momento de compra de cualquier producto
Reduducerra volumului de deșeuri
Réduire nos déchets en réutilisant les produits au lieu de les jeter
Reduzir a desflorestação
Reduzir o consumo de carne
Reforestar con arboles nativos
Reforestation, reduce water pollution, practice the 7Rs (reuse, reduce, repurpose, refuse, repair, rethink, recycle), educate people about solutions for climate change
Refrigeration Management, Cloud Seeding technique & Soil Carbon Sequestration
Refuse from the cars and planes
reîmpădurire, ne plimbăm cu bicicleta mai mult, reducem consumul de hârtie la scoală realizand teste și portofolii electronice, reducem amprenta de carbon
reîmpădurire, ne plimbăm cu bicicleta mai mult, reducem consumul de hârtie la scoală realizand teste și portofolii electronice, reducem amprenta de carbon
Renewable energies
Renewable energies sustainable transport governments in action!
renewable energy
Renewable energy sources
Repare old things of wood.
Replacing harmful appliances
Replenishing resources
repurpose old belongings
Require buildings to be more energy efficient
Respetar el entorno y biodivesidad
Responsabilizarea populație privind starea Planetei
responsible consume
Responsible consumption & recycling
restoration of ecosystems, such as forests, turfs and the seabed, allowing them to recover
Reusable sources of energy
Reuse and Recycle
reuse plastic in 3D printing
reuse the rfuse
Reuse, Reduce and Reccle waste
Reuse, refuse, recycle, reduce, rot
Reusing things, reducing conpumption,being ecofriendly
ride a bike
ride a bike or walk
ride a bike or walk
Riding a bike
Riding a bike. Stop littering. Recycling.
riding bicycles
Run a campaign within school to spread awareness and encourage other students to take action
save air
save animals
save energy
Save energy at home Eat vegetables Consider your travel Throw away less food Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle
save energy, materials
save paper
Save the elctriciity
save the trees
Save trees
save water
save wooden pencils
Saving animals
Saving our worthy resources
say no to plastic
School clean up
School Eco Challenge #iSortOut (promotion of sorting out)
Sea and Ocean preservation
Sea bin project
Seed Balls
segregate garbage
Segregating Waste
Segregation of waste
Self Sufficiency
self- sufficiency
Sembrar en casa
Separación de residuos en la fuente
Serving portions should also be reduced.
Shift to Electric Vehicle
Shift to renewable energy sources in all key sectors
Shop at local farmer’s markets.
simple living, high thinking
Skilled Employment
smart technology
solar and wind energy
Solar Farms
solar panels in every house
Solar, Wind, Water Energy
solution to climate change
Some easy steps that we can take to reduce climate change: 1. Heat your home right, wear more warm clothes if you are cold. 2. Use less water. 3. Change your light bulbs. 4. Reduce your carbon footprint by reusing and recycling. 5. Plant a tree.
Speak up and get others to join in taking action. It's one of the quickest and most effective ways to make a difference.
spreading awareness about climate change
stabilization of greenhouse gas emissions
Start a garden in your yard.
Start using Bioplastic
Stop burning dry grass and leaves
Stop Cutting Down Trees
stop deforestation
Stop firecrackers during festivals, bird feeders, making compost, climate change models
Stop Food Waste
stop pollution
stop stubble burning
stop throwing plastic cans and packets near water bodies or beaches
Stop use of plastic sachets
stop using fossil fuels
Stop using gift wrapping papers.
Stop using gift wrapping papers.
Stop using plastic
Stop using too much home appliances
stop wasting food
stricter laws
stricter laws
stricter laws for industries that pollute the environment
stronger policies for environment conservation
Studying our ecosystems
Support the products of companies that are committed to reducing deforestation.
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable balance in need for food and materials will reduce climate change effects
Sustainable balance in need for food and materials will reduce climate change effects
Sustainable development
Sustainable management of natural resources.
sustainable transport
Sustainable transportation
sustinerea producatorilor locali
Switch to a vegan diet.
Switch to energy efficient light bulbs
switch to sustainable
Switch to sustainable transport
Switching off the electricity whenever not required
Switching old lamps for LED
switching to alternate and renewable resources
take a shower instead of a bath
take action
take action and run a campaign to reduce plastic usage
Take action plan
Take care of animals and keep them safe
take care of our environment
Take care of the Bees
Take personal actions
take the bike for a short distance
Taking care of animals to save the ecology.
taking shorter showers
teach others what a clean environment is
Teaching and studying The Ecological Justice
Teaching Climate Change as a lesson in schools
Teaching the importance of natural balance
Teaching the importance of natural balance
Teaching the importance of natural balance
Tell other people that the world needs help.
The factories should use filters
The factories should use filters
The possible solution to the problem of deforestation in Malawi is to privatize some customary land especially hills and mountains.
the whale pump
think and recognize responsibilities
think global act local - clean your place
throwing garbbage selectively
to eat more plant foods
To protect our climate, buy fewer things, shop second-hand, repair what you can, and recycle.
to support sustainable agriculture studies
to travel by bicycle
to turn off the lights in a room where no one is
to use eco-bags
To use paper bags,cloth bags,jute basket etc. to carry goods
To use paper bags,cloth bags,jute basket etc. to carry goods
to use solar panels
transport eco
transport to school by bike
tree planting, reduce use of plastic, save water, use alternative resource fuels and energy,
tropical forest restoration
trotinete electrice
Turn off devices you are not using.
turn off lights if it is not necessary
Turn off the light you do not need
turn off the lights for an Earth Hour
turn off unnecessary lights
Turning electrical appliances off when not in use
Turning off the tap while brushing
Turning Vegan
understanding the importance of greenery and plants
Unplug Electric devices
Upcycling Waste and Unused Products
Usa la bicicleta como medio de transporte
usar garrafas para a água reutilizáveis
Usar la bicicleta, patines, patinetas o compartir el vehículo
Usar productos biodegradables o amigables con el medio ambiente
Usar transportes públicos e bicicletas
Usara veículos elétricos
Use all sort of alternative source of energy
Use bicycle and public transport
Use bicycle for short distances
use bicycles
use bicycles or walk
Use class A home appliances
use clean energy
Use cycle for short distances
Use Earthen pots to keep things cool and reduce the use of refrigerator.
use ecological means of travel
Use efficient light bulbs
Use electric cars or electric buses, or hybrid.
use electricity and water wisely
Use energy efficient products
use energy wisely
use energy-saving bulbs
use environmentally friendly technologies
use fabric bags
Use LED light bulbs, they consume less electricity
Use LED lights
use less air conditioners
Use less cars
Use less coal, gas or oil
Use less energy absorbing appliances
use less plastic
use less plastic, more reusable containers
Use less the cars and more the bicycle
use less transportation
Use less water
use more public transport
use more renewable energies
Use non-toxic, environmental-friendly products for cleaning.
Use of Biodegradable Products
Use of earthen materials instead of plaster
use of more renewable energy resources
Use of public transport
Use of public transport
use of renewable energy
Use paper instead of plastic
Use power strips in your home office.
Use public transport
Use Public Transportation
Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries for portable devices.
use renewable energy
use renewable energy sources
Use renewable energy sources instead of non-renewable energy sources
Use Renewable Energy Sources;
use renewable energy to power your homes
Use reusable masks instead of single-use ones
use reusable water bottles
use reusable water bottles
Use solar energy
use solar panels and hybrid ve
Use solar panels for energy
Use sustainable Resources
use sustainable resources in school and at home
Use sustainable transport
Use the 3rs- reduce,reuse,recycle. Say people to use recyclable products
use the social media to speak up
Use water bottles instead of plastic cups
Use water reusable bottles
use wind energy
user renewable energy
Using as much as we need
Using eco-friendly transportation.
using energy efficient appliances
using eolian energy
using eolian energy
Using green enrgy
using LED bulbs
using less water
using liquid deodorants
Using of cloth bag instead of plastics
Using renewable energy like solar and wind energy
Using renewable energy resources
Using renewable energy3R's (recycle, reuse, reduce)
Using renewable materials used clothes
Using renewable materials used clothes
using Renewable sources of energy
using solar energy
using solar energy
using solar panel
Using the bicycle for travelling shorter distance than using a petrol driven vehicle
Using the three R's
using water sensors
using water wisely
Uso responsable de los recursos hidricos
Utilizar transporte público
utilizarea energiei solare
utilizarea resurselor naturale pentru producerea energiei electrice
Utilizing labour will maintain excellent health and contribute to energy savings. Many manual cooking equipment in Indian households have been replaced by electrical ones. This will assist get those products back to the kitchen and use less electricity.
vegan/vegetarian food
walk and cycle more
walk or ride a bike instead of using a car or motorcycle
Walk or ride a bike Start our own garden Plant trees Protect ecosystems Buildings more energy efficient Recycling programs Limit food waste
Walk or ride a bike.
walk to school
walk to school
Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions – and help your health and fitness.
Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions – and help your health and fitness. For longer distances, consider taking a train or bus. And carpool whenever possible.
Walking, riding bike and travel by bus.
Waste less
Waste Management
Waste Management & recycling
waste segregation
Waste segregation methods to be implemented for real
Watch your habit and lifestyle.
Watchful and Mindful Green Solutions start from individual, be the change
water in box
We can build buffers of food and clean water for birds near habitat areas of birds
We come to school by bike
We come to school by bike, use public transport, segregate garbage, do not overheat apartments, limit the use of air conditioning, use renewable energy sources whenever possible, Buy Local Products
We need to install filters in factories to keep our air clean.
We should create more bird reserves so they can sustain climate change.
We should donate clothes
We should donate clothes
We should pass zero waste.
We should pass zero waste.
We should pass zero waste.
We should plant seeds
We should plant seeds
We should plant seeds
We should replace old bulbs with led
We should save rainforest
We should save rainforest
We should save rainforest
We should stop buying so many things that we don’t need and have so many factories open, we can reuse things like boxes for example to create pencil cases, which we could also use to keep other things in, like medicine.
We should support Arizona Muse and The Dirt Project
We should turn off the light when we leave a room
We should turn off the lights if not needed
We should turn off the lights if not needed
We should turn off the taps when we brush our teeth
We should turn off the taps when we brush our teeth
We should use less water, not a lot of water.
We should use public transportation
We should use public transportation
We should use solar energy
We should use solar energy
We should use solar energy
We shouldn't eat meat
We shouldn't eat meat
We shouldn't pollute air.
We shouldn't pollute air.
We shouldn't pollute air.
We shouldn't waste energy
We shouldn't waste energy
We worked towards creating a boat extensiont hat will collect plastic from the ocean. We later aim on finding a way to segregate and dispose the waste collected appropriately.
Webcast: Start a webcast in school to spread mroe awareness about the climate crisis, what our school is doing, and how each individual can help!
When buying new appliances such as a refrigerator, microwave, or air conditioner, look for the Energy Star label to save energy, save money, and reduce your carbon footprint.
When you eat bubble gum, don’t throw it.
wind mills
wind turbines
work on creating sustainable environments
working on the solar lamp, designing gabions, creating solar system
writing a pledge and spreading awareness in school
zero waste
Zero waste lifestyle
Zero waste lifestyle
Zero waste lifestyle
Zorunlu kalmadıkça motorlu ağaçlar kullanmamalıyız
С детства приучать сортировать мусор, не обижать животных
استخدام الطاقات البديلة
الحد من الزيادة السكانية
• Caminar o usar la bicicleta en lugar de usar un automóvil para llegar al trabajo/escuela.