JA-2B01 - WEEK 3
Week 3

Placed by Aline Faralhi 2020/Oct/19
Colégio Positivo
South America Brazil


During Week 3 we had an amazing exchange experience with Ms Neetu! She is a teacher from India that along with her students talked to our class and answered all of our questions. It was amazing! 

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Images by Aline Faralhi 2020-10-05Faralhi
Images by Aline Faralhi 2020-10-14Faralhi
Images by Aline Faralhi 2020-10-19Faralhi
Images by Aline Faralhi 2020-10-28Faralhi
Images by Aline Faralhi 2020-10-29Faralhi
Images by Aline Faralhi 2020-11-10Faralhi