interview the difference between weather and climate hava ve iklim arasındaki fark röportajı
Week 1

Placed by Ömür Aydeniz Can 2020/Oct/2


An informative training was given to the students on the difference between weather and climate with a methorology expert. The questions about climate and climate change were answered.


Images by Ömür Aydeniz Can 2020-11-11Aydeniz Can
Images by Ömür Aydeniz Can 2020-10-02Aydeniz Can
Images by Ömür Aydeniz Can 2020-10-26Aydeniz Can
Images by Ömür Aydeniz Can 2020-10-26Aydeniz Can
Images by Ömür Aydeniz Can 2020-11-07Aydeniz Can
Images by Ömür Aydeniz Can 2020-11-11Aydeniz Can