Global effects of Climate Change
Week 3

Placed by Thais Santos 2020/Oct/15
Colégio Positivo Master
South America Brazil


Are you guys liking this project? We are learning so much about Climate Change but I’m very happy to see that we are ready to make a change.

Efeitos: The effects of Climate Change can be seen everywhere, like fauna: if the glaciers are melting, where will the polar bears go? As geleiras eram o lar deles. (mostrar um clipe pequeno )

The flora is affected as well: there are places that used to be full of plants, but now are deserts, tudo porque nós cortamos as árvores (mostrar imagens)

Weather patterns are changing as well: se nós cortamos as árvores que fazem ar puro e usamos muitos carros que produzem gases poluentes, what happens with the air? Look at this picture, this is China. Do you think it is healthy to breathe this air?

Our activities and lifestyle will be changed as well: humans will have more problem breathing, and there won’t be much clean water to drink. Como seria viver assim?

Causas: Juniors, all of this may happen if people all over the world continue to use cars, build industries, deforest and farm too much. 

Outros problemas ambientais: Besides that, there are other problems that harm the planet even more. Existem problemas que pioram a situação do planeta Terra, like POLLUTION. Look at this beach, this is Malaysia (mostrar imagem de uma praia poluída). Do you think this is bad for the environment? O que acontece com a água com tanto lixo assim?

Well, let’s think about all this and begin to help our dear planet! Bye bye

URL to Video on OneDrive


Images by Thais Santos 2020-10-01Santos
Images by Thais Santos 2020-10-01Santos