Gaia´s Research
Week 3

Placed by Jazmín Susana Álvarez Fernández 2020/Oct/19
Prepa Anáhuac. Campus Maddox
South America Mexico
Naucalpan, Estado de México




The natural greenhouse effect

- It is a process that occurs naturally in the Earth's atmosphere, it is the interaction between the energy that comes from the Sun and some of the gases in the atmosphere.

- Without the natural greenhouse effect, the average temperature on Earth would be below -18 ° C, Water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and ozone (O3) are the main greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere, which have the ability to act like the glass that covers the structure of a greenhouse.

-  Burning fossil fuels such as coal and oil has increased the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO 2). Human (industrial) production of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide generate a warming of gases, which contributes to the development of global warming. Because the oceans have absorbed about 30% of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emitted, causing its acidification, global warming has made its way into most of the world's art.

- Changes in precipitation patterns: There is still serious air pollution caused, among other factors, by large congestion of motor vehicles and by deficiencies in the road infrastructures

- Hydrological problems: The rivers, ravines and natural channels are not healthy and free of pollution and garbage and there is an absence that exists in a culture of saving and rational use of water. Liquid effluents are treated and reused. The average number of green areas per inhabitant in each of the communities is, at least, equal to the figure recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), and these areas are cared for and protected.

- Green areas: Inadequate final disposal of solid waste since the requirements of the Official Mexican Standard 083 ECOL



- Temperatures will keep rising: Due to the warming in the atmosphere generated by man, a climate that varies thus increasing the temperature is reflected thus being very uneven throughout the country over time.

- More droughts and heat waves: The droughts and heat waves will last days or weeks, with this the cold waves will be less intense. During the summer they will increase in an exaggerated way thus having a gigantic reduction in humidity.

- Hurricanes will get stronger and more intense: The intensity, frequency and duration of hurricanes will increase, thus showing a greater amount of climatic and terrestrial consequences over time. The intensity of hurricane-associated storms and rainfall rates are expected to increase as the weather continues to warm.

- The Arctic will be probably ice-free: Due to increased climate change, the Arctic Ocean is expected to be essentially ice-free in the summer before mid-century.

- Changes in precipitation patterns: Average precipitation is more reflected in winter and spring, the trend is affected towards an increase in heavy precipitation events. This trend is expected to occur even in regions where total precipitation is expected to decrease.

- Hydrological problems: The hydrological system is made up of 26 elements, including intermittent dams, rivers and streams, which were totally contaminated for many years.

- Green areas: The  scarcity of green areas in most of the communities of the municipality





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Images by Jazmín Susana Álvarez Fernández 2020-10-04Álvarez Fernández
Images by Jazmín Susana Álvarez Fernández 2020-10-30Álvarez Fernández